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Once again sorry for the two weeks wait but I'm just gonna roll with it now that I know my personal schedule. I will still try my best to upload within a week to ten days but if there's still no update it won't be later than two weeks.

So basically: updates on a good few days will be 7-10 days. Otherwise it will not be posted any later than 14 days.

(P.s Hopefully I'll finish the book before school starts or within the month of September, October being the absolute latest.)


The den erupted into a chorus of howls, the sound bouncing off the cold cave walls.

For a moment I had forgotten the world outside of the wolf den. Full of discrimination, and hatred for the unique.

And for that moment I felt carefree and happy. I felt immensely happy with the bundle of wolves swarming around my cousin and I. Wolves who I still had yet to be acquainted with and wolves who'd smile at me in the hallways of Seabrook high.

Now I could see what Wyatt did his best to show- what he successfully showed.

I saw a family. A big unique family. A family fighting for survival, clashing with humanity and stereotypes. A family that is mistreated.

A family who sticks together.

Because even though the two wolf siblings had bickered earlier on and had sent each other annoyed glances, they now stood in each other's embraces and howled into the night sky.

My eyes must've been glistening with not only the moonlight, but amusement as I watched my sister howl along with the den. A smile gracing my lips when I felt a small hand wrap around mine, seeing the little girl from earlier.

She grinned at me, showing her baby fangs that she still had yet to fully grow.

Trusting my strength, along with my assumption of her weight, I cautiously brought my hands to her waist.

Not seeming to mind where this was going the girl excitedly wrapped her arms around my neck right before I hoisted her up onto my hip.

She let out a joyous giggle, happy with the attention she was receiving at the moment, and with the new view of her home.

Her hair had a bright pale streak in it which shined (along with my new highlight) in the dark cave, complimenting her chocolate skin and dark hair surprisingly well.

Lifting up her hand from my side she pointed in the direction of the two wolf siblings who I have become very fond of.

Tilting my head to see what had grabbed the young girl's attention I caught the eyes of Wyatt, unbeknownst to his sister.

He smiled affectionately at me and the young child. Eyes sparkling with warmth and amusement.

The eye contact was not uncomfortable, shockingly, and it was definitely not unwelcomed.

I smiled back at the boy, blushing as well. Although thankfully the darkness of the cave and the hair framing my face did not highlight the pink hue on my cheeks.

"Addison, Becca!"

A rough and familiar voice rang throughout the cave causing all the wolves to stand stiff in their place, creating an eery atmosphere.

The younger wolves were pushed towards the cave walls, huddling together in attempts to hide from the assumed threat that entered the cave.

I clutched on tighter to the girl in my arms on instinct.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now