Am I Ready To Be One Of Them?

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"It's election day Seabrook! We have an assembly to hear from our presidential candidates, and it is going to be so good to see you all."

I let out a quiet scoff under my breath, hearing our principal's over eccentric excitement over the speakers. This whole presidential election was definitely being hyped up too much.

Barely able to get my feet on the ground as I hopped out of the annoyingly pink van, my brother placed his recently moisturized hands on my shoulders, halting any future movements.

Nudging the door shut with his hips, Bucky began to speak to me and lead me up the steps to the school entryway.

"So, big day for me sis"

Oh please let me disappear into the polished floors.

"Your very own brother is going to be president of the school, and since you are my darling sister I have decided to elect you as," He patted my shoulders quickly as a drum roll, "vice president, yay"

The grin on his face couldn't be wiped off, even if a boulder hit it.

Hating to have to break it to him (not really), I responded, "Bucky, you haven't even been elected president yet"

Hearing a loud series of 'shh shh shh' my brother opened his big mouth to continue speaking.

"Yet little one" he patted the top of my head as we continued down the hallway towards our lockers.

Darn the last name order.

"But seeing as though I am the most...qualified, it'll be no doubt that I receive such a high honor"

Sucking a sharp breath between my teeth I almost sighed in relief when I felt the literal weight (of his hands) lift off my shoulders, his attention now on opening his locker.

Muttering my words of disapproval I followed his actions and opened my locker as well. Retrieving the worn down notebooks and my pencil bag, which was decorated with a variety of doodles smudged across every inch. Placing my backpack carefully inside I grabbed the small wooden box which held the two most important pieces of jewelry I had ever laid eyes on.

"My first act as president will of course be cleansing the annual Prawn of any freaks."

Slamming my locker shut in annoyance I spun on my heeled boots to look at my brother straight in the eyes.

"Those freaks, are people too" I sternly spoke. My jaw clenched tightly, causing the muscles in my face to ache.

Bucky, with years of experience with my stubbornness, only rolled his eyes and huffed loudly.

Turning back to his locker, he ran his hands a few times through his hair, looking directly into the oversized mirror placed in his highly decorated locker, responded snipely.

"This is why it'd be best for you to become vice president. You'd be spending much more time with me and the Aceys and much less time with" he tilted his head to the left quickly gesturing me to follow his gaze, "them."

Walking down the hallway at that moment were my new friends.

The wolf pack. Leading the way as usual was Willa, with Wyatt and Wynter by her side.

"Just-" hearing his voice brought me out of my staring. "don't get tangled up in their...mess"

And with that my brother closed his locker and sauntered off in the direction of his first class.

Before turning the corner and continuing his way through the school he turned back to me and spoke. "And please change your outfit, I'd rather not have my sister be mistaken for a gang member." Before continuing his journey through the busy school.

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