When Leadership Is In Need (real chapter)

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"What have they done?" I heard Willa rasp out, lungs still burning from the cardio.

Hearing the sad truth before seeing it, the coughing ticked off the panic setting in my brain.

I hastily looked around to see my three best wolf friends let out gutteral coughs while clutching onto their chests in searing pain, along with the rest of the pack.

My eyes now stinging with tears, I shakily patted Wyatt's back, watching him carefully to make sure he didn't choke on air during his coughing fit.

"You're going to be okay" I blubbered, close to sobbing at seeing him in such a state.

Cupping his cheek with my unoccupied hand, I made him look at me and began coaching his breathing. Over time turning his labored breaths into much deeper and calmer ones, only occasionally interrupted by a heart wrenching cough.

"Home." He muttered to me. It was almost incoherent through his heavy panting. "We gotta get them-we gotta get them into shelter, warm them up wi-with blankets"

Smiling weakly at the way he still held onto his duties as one of the pack's fill-in leaders, I nodded respectfully, and announced the plan to the wolves before leading them off into the night, to their home. Ignoring how my uncle had offered to drive me home and have an officer do it instead.

And so, we marched onward, we persevered, and even though I had to give them breaks and coax them into moving once more during this usually easy hike, we had made it.

Some collapsed, others stood looking ghastly ill and contemplated on what to do next in their weakened state.

Steadying one by on, I made sure everyone made it to their designated resting spot, leaving my friends last (who had insisted I help the others with the now superior strength I had). Clasping my hands together in relief as I saw most of them begin to drift off into a much need slumber, I made my way over to my friends, who leaned up against each other in hopes to not fall and create a pile of wolves on the floor.

The first wolf I took care of was Wynter.

I grabbed onto her chilly hands and guided her to where I had recently fluffed up her pillow and neatly placed her blanket over it.

Once seated, she reacted to the cool slab of stone under the thin yarn matress knitted from their elders and started shivering. Her metabolism had been damaged immensely, making it so she couldn't produce the body heat she needed.

Seeing as how only one blanket was given to each wolf (since they didn't really need the fabric before with their warmer than average bodies), I sacrificed my jacket. Allowing myself to be nipped at by the cool night air.

Rubbing her arms harshly but not painfully, I did my best to create as much friction as I could to make it so my friend could rest comfortably.

Giving me a nod, signalling she was okay, I went back to the twins, who I led together. Considering how their designated spots were next to each other by request.

Willa, still needing to feel independent, simply took off her boots and folded herself in her blanket. She then let her head fall onto her arm and watched her surroundings with a visible sadness, drowning herself in self-pity.

And so, I turned to the last wolf in need of my assistance.


Placing his arm around me, I gently lay him down onto his usually comforting resting area. Trying my best to not tear up at the sound of his pained grunts and hisses, I unfolded to blanket next to us.

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