I'm A What Now?

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Sorry for the two weeks wait. I said I was gonna update late last week and then I realized Sunday would be considered this week so there goes that.

Also I've been thinking about what my next story should be. And the shows I've been watching that I'd like to move onto fanfiction wise would be The Umbrella Academy (which would be published after season two comes out so I can come up with some ideas- it would be Ben since he's going to become a main character- although I will consider Five) and The 100 (it would be a Monty Green story because that baby is just so underrated on Wattpad). Thoughts?

Q of the day: how's life? (I don't care if it's a one word response or a paragraph. I want to get to know the wonderful people who actually read what I write)

Also just so you know, how I am currently writing is not my current writing standard (?) I've been taking classes and reading more to analyze how to write but I feel weird changing my writing style mid book so you all are stuck with this, I'm sorry.

Anyway, enjoy! :)

It wasn't a long walk through the cave, and I noticed the deeper we went the less I could feel the cold night's air bite at my exposed skin.

Although that could just be one of the stages of hypothermia.


For only a few moments was the cave pitch black, but with Wyatt's knowledge of his home I luckily didn't have any trouble walking in the dark.

What seemed to be moonlight glowed at the end of the tunnel, but from where we were at the moment I could only see Wynter's figure rush closer to us.

"Come on you slowpokes"

The girl wrapped her warm and dainty hand around my ice cold one, careful as to not make any indents with her claw like nails.

She tugged me forward recklessly, which caused me to unlatch my other hand from Wyatt's, abandoning him as I was dragged towards the moonlight by the excited wolf.

Once we stopped and I caught my breath from the quick sprint I looked around the cave. Their home.

It was something out of a fairytale. It pleased me to see the intricate designs around the gigantic space, not at all like the homes in my neighborhood. I was also happy to not see the familiar shade of pastel blue and pink, and to see the welcoming tone of orange coming from their lanterns, and the pale blue of the moonlight they intelligently used to light up the center.

My chapped lips parted and my pupils must've dilated to twice the size.

Winter could see my fixation and admiration of the wolf den.

"It's okay to be impressed" she told me.

My lips turned upwards at that.


I turned my head to my left to see a familiar white hairs girl come towards me. "Addison?" I questioned, still in ah at my surroundings and not able to comprehend that my cousin had also been kidnapped.

She pulled me into a tight hug which I gladly returned, basking in her warmth (considering how she was smart enough to wear jeans and a jacket).

We didn't have time to ask any further questions because Wyatt came up from behind us and grabbed onto my arms, steering me further into the den, and motioned for Addison to follow.

"Our language-" Wyatt let out what seemed to be just a howl to Addison and I, "Becca, and" he let out an identical howl, "Addison".

The howl which confused my cousin and I got a response from the den full of wolves who released the same howl, showing how it was more than just a noise.

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