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Two best words to describe Seabrook right now. Families of humans and zombies gathered to the town hall, holding tightly onto their kids in fear of them suddenly disappearing.

My brother had forced me to sit next to him, not letting me out of his sight in fear the monster would come and snatch me up.

Meaning I had to listen to him blab about how he always 'knew' there had been monsters in the forest.

"Werewolves are real! I've always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest were real, right Becca?"

The students who gathered around to listen to his story all averted their eyes to me. I cleared my throat loudly,

"Was that before or after you told me last week before boarding the bus that there was no such thing as monsters in the forest?"

I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, curious to see how he'll crawl his way out of this one.

He turned towards the crowd of teens, before pulling on his stupid big smile and laughed.

He said, "She hit her head pretty hard", and gently stroked the top of my head, referring to the concussion my father (one of the most respected doctors in Seabrook) said I have.

I scoffed and gripped his wrist tightly before shoving it away with a glare.

I let out a "hmph" and turned to look out the big window overlooking Zombietown.

"I thought werewolves were just myths"

"Yeah like cavities"

I looked at Jacy who was seated in front of me, disbelief not only clear on my face but Bucky and the two other Acey's as well.

Is this kid serious?

Trying to play this out as calmly as possible I first gently placed my hand on his shoulder, rubbing softly.

"Yes" I didn't know what else to tell him. I then slowly retracted my hand.

"Those are real too?" His eyes widened comically wide before bringing out his phone to check his teeth in the reflection.

"Becca" I stood up at the sound of my name coming from across the room, hoping that whoever it was they'd be able to get me away from the spot I am sitting in now

It was Zed, who was seated next to his father who held Zoey in his lap up front. Zed signalled me to come over with a slight wave, I complied to his request. Ignoring my brother's flailing arms and obnoxious protests for me to stay seated, I stepped over a still distracted Jacey and made my way over to the nice zombie family.

"Hello Zed, Mr Z, Zoey"

The little zombie girl hopped off her father's lap and stood in front of me, hand starting to fiddle with a loose string on the jacket I had on.

"Can you help me find a werewolf friend?"

I smiled ear to ear at Zoey's request. Crouching down to her eye level I placed my hand on top of her hand that had been fiddling with my brother's old jacket. "As fun as that sounds, I say for girl time let's just get some fro yo"

Mr Z mouthed a quick thanks from behind Zoey, implying that she must've been pestering him about this for quite some time.

Our conversation was soon interrupted by Zed who cleared his throat to do so. "So Becca, my father was wondering-"

"Oh right"

Mr Z quickly took over the conversation, leaving his son to chuckle lightly at his father's sudden interruption.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now