We're Gonna Be Someday

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Original P.O.V

This is it.

Prawn night.

And I've got a date.

Grinning manically I bounced on my feet, somewhat wobbling while doing so due to the heels Willa had picked out for me.

I had done so many twirls in front of the bathroom mirror my mind still felt jumbled.

Unfortunately my brother (who does not know I will be attending this dance with Wyatt as my date) decided that he'd be taking me to Prawn with the Acey's. Also known as the most annoying people at Seabrook High.

And why did I expect any less when I saw a bright pink limo pull up to our house (which was now cleared of all celebratory rose petals).

"Come on now dear sister! The night awaits us."

Practically dragging me out the door, Bucky and I made our way to the vehicle where the Acey's were already seated comfortably and silently. Everyone's attention being on their phones.

Jacey taking some cramped selfies, Stacey posting quite a few tweets on twitter, and Lacey..searching up cute dog pictures.

Alright, I can live with that.

"Me first." Bucky order, squeezing in next to his minions, leaving me to thank the driver before situating myself on the equally as pink passenger seats.

And oh boy, how well this ride went.

It started off fine, every now and then they'd lift up their heads from their illuminated phones to silently question 'are we there yet' before proceeding to get dry eye.

Then, since I can never expect my brother to control himself, there was the criticism of my outfit.

I personally thought I looked quite nice, the idea of the dress I was currently wearing coming from the wolf pack a few days ago. I had been looking through all my brother's suggested catalogues to find something special to where. Back then oblivious to the fact that I'd be going to this dance with the handsome wolf boy that is Wyatt himself.

The wolves inspired me, told me to embrace my differences, unlike everyone else in this bland town. So I did.

Leading to me now, with my hair styled nicely with a french braid on the side of my head that hung off my left shoulder, and in a short length emerald green sleeveless dress, clashed in black heeled boots.

"Quite a fashion statement you've got going there." Bucky snipped with a tight lipped smile. Which ultimately began the shark attacks.

"Bold color"

"A bit tight fitted"

"Pretty braid!"

My brother, Jacey and Stacey, looked up from their phones and stared at the blonde Acey in disbelief. She quickly realized her mistake. "I mean..pretty bad braid."

Sighing before re-crossing his legs, Bucky continued, "I see those zombies" the world rolled off in a poisonous tone, "have influenced you quite a bit."

I lifted up my deep red stained lips in a smirk and let out an amused 'hmph', before stating proudly,

"No, it was werewolves."


"Your destination sir." The kind driver opening up the door revealing many bright colors at once. I had to blink my eyes a few times to get adjusted.

Since I had entered last I quickly jumped out the limo, grateful for the fresh and non toxic air (which I had been stuck in for the past few minutes).

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