New Kids In Town

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Crap crap crap.

I promised Zed and my brother that I would be up front for the presidential nominations, unfortunately I was running a bit late.

My father had given me a note to get out of school for an hour so he could give me a check up, to see how I was healing. He was called to another patient immediately after, and my mother who was my ride beforehand was called into her office, leaving me to have to walk back.

Which leaves me here, late and running through the halls of my school knowing I'd get an earful from my brother.

I glanced at my watch that was gifted to me on my fifteenth birthday, speeding up my pace after seeing where the arrows were pointing.

"Zed Zed Zed Zed"

I sighed in relief at the muffled chanting of my friend's name. Indicating that I was close. The noise became louder as I turned the final corner, smiling once I saw the huge crowd of students through the clear doors at the end of this hall.

Panting, I placed my hand onto my chest, feeling my drastic heart beat, deciding to just walk the next few feet. I almost reached the doors before coming to a stop, two lockers away.

I could've sworn there was no one behind me. Every student in this high school was passed the doors, fixated on Zed who was doing his best to hype up the crowd.

So why could I hear footsteps that weren't mine?

Why does this keep happening? Not as scared as I was in the woods I spun around, blowing the hair out of my face after doing so.

It was the guy from yesterday.

I smiled at the sight. Although he seemed pretty out of place. No longer in his construction outfit, allowing me to see his facial features more clearly now. He had a very..unique..outfit on, consisting of leather and fur. And his hair was done up, and in my opinion it was pretty cool, unlike anything I've seen here in Seabrook which consisted mainly of mainly blondes and brunettes with the occasional green.

He also had tattoos, one on the side of his face and a few scattered across his..broad, muscly..oh my gosh Becca, get it together!

But, he didn't have those yesterday.

Before I could pick out anymore details he ducked his head down turning away. It would be safe to assume he was shy, if he wasn't hooking his hands behind his head, bringing his arms to cover his ears.

I wasn't weirded out, if anything I was worried, "Is everything okay?"

"Yup, perfect, just y'know, sensitive to sound"

I smiled at his rushed explanation. "Yeah, I shouldn't even be walking in there, considering my concussion" at this information his shoulders slumped, showing that he felt less tense.

"What happened?"

"It's all a big mess, things happened, my bus swerved off the road, I hit my head a few times-"

I was cut off by a very loud cough. Although it sounded a bit too feminine for it to be coming from the boy in front of me.

"You go-"

"Yeah, just head on your way, I should probably take a walk, clear my head" I nodded at his hurried words which were so fast they almost jumbled over each other. Although knowing that he could not see my gesture I took it upon myself to continue my way to the door, applying pressure to the handle.

I only opened the door a crack before stopping and letting it close. I never got his name.

"Oh I never got your- what are you doing?"

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