Camp Rocks

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There it is.

Cheer Camp.

This is so exciting, my first cheer camp. Or well, my first cheer camp with zombies.

Yes zombies.

The anti zombie laws are now an almost completely forgotten memory. Allowing zombies to do many things, including joining the cheer squad. Despite my brother's many protests.

He and the Acey's had marched around the outside of school with sparkly pink posters being held up above their head. Not even a full twenty four hours after the announcement was made, establishing the end of the anti zombie laws. 'Zombies go home to your mommies' is what was written, as well as chanted through their bright pink megaphones.

Along with just straight up, "zombie go home!"

But, as my brother has told me, as well as multiple other people when questioned, he's apparently 'over it'.

Yeah right.

I could tell he wasn't over it, even now he's still not. On our way here before we boarded the bus he had a talk with the bus driver trying to see if they could make a rule for zombies to sit at the back of the bus.

Not for his selfish wants, but to make sure everyone feels 'comfortable'. Thankfully the bus driver shut down his idea, causing my brother to have a quick tantrum before allowing everyone on the bus.

I had chosen to sit next to Bonzo, Bree and Addison had already gotten situated and I had convinced them that I was fine sitting next to my zombie friend. Also ignoring my brother's open, awaiting arms at the front of the bus.

Now, back to the actual camp.

Everyone was excited, and just happy we could finally stretch our legs from the few hour bus ride.

"Cheer camp, even more sparkly than I dreamed"

Even though I did not sit directly next to Bree, I could still hear her gush about what she hoped cheer camp was like. So her excitement was nothing surprising.

Like usual, the newbies ran ahead faster than the rest, more excited to get to the main building than the seniors who knew the drill. I kept up though, jogging next to Addison and Bree, making our way over to where our mascot, Shrimpy, stood.

We all huddled closely, chattering about what Bucky had planned for us, because my brother basically ran the whole thing. All this power isn't good for him.

It felt good to be at cheer camp, the nice wilderness surrounding us, a soft breeze blowing through our hair, the sun shining on our skin.

Oh I am so going to burn.

And just the smell of nature topped it all off. Of course, all the things I'm listing off as pros, the Acey's (with the loss of Tracey and the new addition of Jacey) listed off as cons.

I stood in the inner part of the big group, talking with Bonzo, or trying to at least. I've been learning a little bit of zombie tongue lately, I can't wait to use it in some type of situation out in public. He's a great teacher, really helps me with the pronunciation of things.


And here's the over exaggerated entrance of my brother. Starting off with a blow from his gosh awful pink whistle, before making it to the center. Not walking, no no no, that's apparently out dated. He made his presence know by doing a few back handsprings.

The seniors, like the mindless drones they are, cheered for him with big smiles. Bucky after soaking in the glory for a few seconds signalled with his hands for them to quiet down.

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