Like The Zombies Do

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Zoey laced her fingers with mine as we made our way to the werewolves who were gathered around a rusty table near the gates of Zombietown. We of course we're not alone, Zed and Eliza stood beside us indulged in their plans to win the election.

Zed was the one to announce our presence, extending his arm out to the group for anyone to shake.

"Hello wolves allow me to introduce myself, I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful" his dopey smile faltered as he retracted his hand, seeing no one make any effort to shake it.

Embarrassed by his method of introduction I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose as Zoey and I stopped in front of the group.

They looked at us like we were crazy for having the audacity to walk up to them.

"When zombies first came to Seabrook we were outsiders too" Eliza first explained, giving me the hand gesture to continue for her.

Doing as told I further explained, "and although I cannot relate on a supernatural stand point, because of my physical appearance I have been treated like an outsider as well, which is why you need Zed" I used my unoccupied hand to gesture to my tall zombie friend, "to represent you"

"We'd be honored if you guys joined us"

At this part of the presentation Wynter stood up from her seat, "our pack is our pack, we don't need anyone else" she then gestured for us to leave.

"Who doesn't want more friends?"

The pack of wolves looked down towards Zoey, who's small figure stood in front of mine, still holding onto my hand.

"Underneath all that fluffy hair I bet you're a real softie"

Wynter, angered by this statement crouched down to match Zoey's height, nose scrunched and eyebrows furrowed. "I am a mean, mean werewolf kid, I am tough and rough-"

"Aww you said 'ruff' like a sweet little puppy dog, ruff ruff!"

I bit my lips together to hold in the laugh that wanted to escape.

"We are beasts of the forest we will never be tamed- oh" Zoey brought up her small hand to scratch behind Wynter's ear. The reaction she received was not what I (or anyone) was expecting.

Wynter's eyes rolled shut for a second at the feeling. "Oh boy, oh wow that's great"

Willa's glamorous face scrunched in annoyance at the wolf who was getting off topic.

"Sorry" Wynter muttered, nudged Zoey's hand away with her shoulder.

Willa stood up out of her seat, fed up with the conversation. "We are nothing like you zombies" I clinched my brows in confusion.

She only referenced the zombies, and since I checked the mirror in my bathroom this morning I'm pretty sure I'm not like them on a physical or supernatural level.

Zoey now bored with this conversation, let go of my hand and decided to wander back home, which was only a few blocks away so she didn't feel the need to mention her exit out loud.

"You sort of are" Eliza piped up. She pointed at the gem that hung around Willa's neck, which was being worm by the rest of the pack as well. "Your necklace is powered, right? Kind of like an organic Z band"

After hearing this Willa responded, "you're smarter than he looks"

Well dang.

"So that necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out?" As Zed asked this he extended his arm out to reach for the piece of jewelry.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now