Will You Go To Prawn With Me?

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Third Person P.O.V

The wolves, zombies and cheerleaders had band together on that fateful afternoon of Prawn. Willa taking her role as leader, announced the plans of action to her friends and classmates, even going as far as to repeat each individual detail to get the point across.

This was a big night for her- well for her brother, but that didn't make this any less gleeful for the wolf girl.

"Okay, Becca will enter her neighborhood at..?" The wolf girl questioned, making sure everyone had been listening.

"Five o'clock", Bree answered,"on the dot because she finishes studying for calculus at 4:45 and enjoys being home at exactly five so she can-"

"So she can enjoy some strawberry yogurt out on her porch.." Wyatt finished mindlessly, although the information about what type of snack would be halting her preparation for Prawn given wasn't exactly necessary for the plan.

Letting out a nervous cough, the boy scratched behind his ear, avoiding the eye contact of his peers. "I listen.."

As amusing as her brother's bashfulness was, they were in a hurry, so Willa simply continued the repetition of the set plan. "She's an awfully slow eater so she'll probably be done by five twenty to five thirty."

"Meaning that's when she starts getting ready for Prawn." Addison concluded.

"What time is it now?" The wolf girl asked.

Checking his watch, Zed spoke, "ten past three, giving us-"

"Roughly an hour and a half before Becca arrives home from school." Addison noted, mind drifting as she pictures how they would be able to pull this last minute project off.

The crowd, huddled close together, contemplated on how to carry out this plan with he little time they had. Some biting their lips, others tapping their feet anxiously.

Raising a finger with bright eyes, Bonzo gleamed. "Zergal zargsha!", he exclaimed in his native tongue.

Grinning widely Bree translated his helpful tip.

"Bonzo says we need a distraction."

The boys and girls gasped in realization that a distraction could in fact work.

"A distraction, yes that's perfect" Willa uncharacteristically agreed, arms outstretched in front of her in physical excitement.

"But what?" Eliza asked, confused as to what could possibly distract their friend for so long.

The teenagers all had a tapping-the-chin moment and let their eyes wander around their base (the school basement).

The overly excited Wynter began jumping up and down, causing a ruckus. "Ooh ooh me pick me!"

"Wynter?" Wyatt questioned calmly, not wanting to fuel her actions.

"Let me distract her, I'm great with improv acting- which Becca explained to me in drama class the other day is when-"

"Wynter! Wynter, honey, just get to the point please." Willa urged her friend, worried about how much time they're losing by just standing there.

"I'll distract her while you all set up the surprise."

Everyone contemplated whether leaving Wynter with such an important task was a good decision, but considering their current situation there wasn't much they could do.

Addison went up to the jumpy wolf and braced her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Wynter, do you promise that Becca will not leave the school premises until we signal you?"

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