I Am Too

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Quarantine Question: what is your "must watch" show during quarantine? (I'd like some recommendations)

Mine is Teen Wolf. (Can you see a pattern with my interests?)

Also I am so sorry for the long break, it wasn't necessarily writer's block, I don't know what it was but I'm here now, so yay.

This part is dedicated to @thefierystorm25 because she has been incredibly supportive and sweet since the beginning of this story.


"You look beautiful"

Not knowing how to respond to such an open compliment I did what any hopeless, awkward teenager would do, and responded with,

"You too".

'You too'? 'You too'? Not even a 'you do too' but just a stupid 'you too'?

Right then and there I wanted to make my way over to the top of the metal bleachers I had previously been sitting on and cannonball onto the hard gym floor. The way I used the response 'you too' was the same way someone would accidentally say it to their waiter after they were just told 'have a nice meal', or how one might accidentally respond to someone at concessions before going to watch a movie. 'Enjoy your movie' 'thanks, you too'.

"I'm not saying you're beautiful, although I'm not saying you're not beautiful-"oh my gosh please stop talking "-I meant you are also very good looking in a manly-" please end it there "-wolf person...way"

Laughter, although quiet, could be heard from his wolf friends. Noticing I was looking at them they shoved each other around to quiet everyone down.

Wyatt chuckled as a wolfish grin took over his face, fangs bared in a friendly way. "Thank you, and I am saying that as a thank you" he joked, wanting to steer away my attention from his bickering pack.

I laughed, feeling some of the embarrassment leave my body, although it still lingered with the thought of wanting to jump from a really tall building. Not having anything else prepared to say I was relieved when my white haired cousin jogged her way towards me with the question of if i wanted to walk home with her. I took this as my escape route, saying a goodbye to the kind wolf boy and his pack before scurrying off with Addison, grabbing my stuff as we passed the bleachers.


Feeling my butt go slightly numb I checked my neon green watch, which had been gifted to me from Zed. It read 6:37, the sun had started its journey of finding refuge at the other end of the earth, the moon slowly rising in its place. It had still been warm once practice had ended so I decided to finish up my homework on the front steps of my house, taking small breaks every now and then to observe the people in my neighborhood, all seeming to follow the same routine.

Letting out small yawn I stretched my arms above my head before letting them fall back to my side. Closing my eyes, I rolled my neck to relieve the tenseness that formed from staring down at my lap for most of the afternoon.


I opened my eyes and craned my head to the left to see my zombie friend sitting a few inches away from me. Normally a person would have at least jumped a little at this sudden appearance but I had grown used to it over the year I had spent with this Zombie boy.

"Hey Zed" silence followed my acknowledgement of his presence. "Any reason why you decided to grace me with this oh so delightful visit?" I asked as I placed the homework that lay on my lap onto the step below me.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now