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    My comments and dm's have been flooded with questions about whether or not Jaden and I were together and it's honestly starting to annoy me. It's been two days since the post was made, you would think people would start to realize we're not actually together.

The idea of dating Jaden isn't gross to me, though it will never happen. I wouldn't mind, Jaden is my best friend and we are extreme close. I'm sure to many people it probably seems like we're already a thing.

I will admit, there have been many times where I've questioned my true feelings about him. Every time I remind myself that I don't think I would be able to live with myself if anything happened between us and we were no longer friends.

Jaden is that one friend that basically is the source of energy for your whole life. He makes everything run smoothly and always knows how to keep me happy. But, a friend is all it must be.

    I hopped out of bed, rubbing my head in the process because all this overthinking was giving me a migraine, and walked over to my mirror. Looking it it, I was surprised to see I didn't look half that bad. My hair was still in its messy bun, just a bit messier, and my face looked somewhat awake. That was odd. I'm usually a wreck in the morning.

    Shrugging at myself, i exited me room and walked downstairs to where the kitchen was. When I got there, I saw Jaden, Josh, Anthony, and Griffin all standing around the counter talking.

    "Good morning guys!" I sang cheerfully, causing them all to look at me with weird looks. "Sorry, am I interrupting?"

    "No, you're good." Griffin laughed as he walked over and gave me a quick side hug before walking off.

    My relationship with Griffin is odd. He gets easily annoyed with me as I get random boosts of energy every now and then, but he is one of the easiest and most chill people to talk to. He's like an older brother to me, not that I need another one. He's like that sibling you love, but can't help but sort of dislike them at the same time.

    I walked over to the pantry and grabbed the loaf of bread before heading over to the toasted to make toast. I popped the bread in and turned around to see everyone staring at me.

    "What?" I gave them questioning looks.

    "Uhm, B, I don't know if you know this or not, but you're not wearing pants." Anthony said, refusing to look down at my legs out of respect for Avani who was still sleeping in his bedroom.

    I looked down and raised and eyebrow before lifting my shirt slightly to reveal shorts. "You guys are stupid, really."

    Jaden let out a sigh of relief while Anthony and Josh both laughed before they all returned to their conversation they were having before.

    I grabbed my toast from the toaster and spread some grape jelly on it that I had gotten from the fridge while waiting for my toast to be done. I'm not basic like every other influencer and use avocado. I hate avocados.

    I made my way outside and sat at one of the tables next to Kio who was also eating some toast. "Hey Kio, what's up?"

    He looked up at me with a smile, "Nothing much, you?"

    I lifted my plate of toast to show it him causing him to laugh before also lifting his plate to show me. "We're so alike, long lost twins maybe."

    "Oh yeah," He joked, "We look so much alike, I don't know how we didn't realize this before!"


    I was getting ready for the day when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the notification.

thehypehousela has sent you a dm!

   Oh god, not them.

    Even though the Sway House said in their first YouTube video that there are not problems between the two different houses, it's kind of obvious there's some tension. I can only imagine what they have to say to me.

    I ran out of my room and into the living room where i fortunately found everyone sitting and playing video games.

    "Uh, guys." They ignored me, obviously too invested in their games to care about what I have to say. "Uhm, guys, the Hype House just dmed me."

    Saying that name certainly got their attention. The six of them - Josh, Jaden, Bryce, Anthony, Kio, and Griffin - jumped up and gathered around my phone to see the notification.

    "Well go on, dont just make us anxious, open it!" Bryce urged, obviously excited to see what they could have possibly said to me.

    Hesitantly I clicked on the motivation and read the words that were sent to me.

    "Hey Beah!" I read out loud, "We noticed that you recently joined the Sway House and just wanted to say congratulations! We also realized that you're currently the only female participant in that group, and we know how uncomfortable that may be at times. Please know that you always have an invite to come and join the Hype House anytime you'd like!"

    After a few second, everyone including I bursted our with laughter.

    That was so stupid. I don't get the rivalry between the houses. We're all just kids trying to have fun and live our best lives.

    "I'm going to go pack my bags guys, I hope we can still be friends."

    Everyone's laughter soon stopped and everyone looked at me with the saddest faces I think I have ever seen.

    "Wait, please say you're joking." Jaden wrinkled his eyebrows together. "You're not actually leaving us right?"

    All the boys looked at me which was their way of telling me to hurry up with my reply.

    "No sillies, you guys are my best friends, I would never leave you to go and live with a bunch of strangers that I don't even know." I reassured them.

    "Oh, thank god." Bryce huffed our, dramatically putting a hand over his heart. "But, you do know Chase."

I glared at him, hating the fact that Chase and I ever had a "thing".

    "I can't believe they said they knew you were probably uncomfortable living in a household full of only guys." Kio chuckled, resulting in everyone agreeing that the statement was a bit out there.


i honestly don't know what this chapter is but it's three am and my brain decided to kick into gear and want to write so yeah

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