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"Are you going to tell him anytime soon?" Micah asked, stuffing her face with a cake pop. "I mean, maybe he'll dump the blonde chick and get back with you."

We were currently at our local Starbucks sitting outside and enjoying our food. Micah had picked me up two hours ago claiming that it was time for a girl's day, though I knew she knew I just needed a reason to get out of the house.

Madison had come over almost every day, spending most nights with Jaden and not leaving till late the next day. It was like she had practically moved in and I felt uncomfortable. I had no reason to feel like that, but maybe it was the fact that I was carrying around her boyfriend's future child in my stomach and no one but three people knew about it.

That's right, boyfriend. The two had announced that they were official to the house about two weeks ago, basically two weeks after I found out about the whole baby in my stomach thing. This meaning I am about a month along and yet, only three people know.

I looked at Micah who was still eating her cake pops (she ordered the whole store basically, she is addicted) and sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you that Jaden and I were never anything? We were probably going to never be anything, and I am okay with that."

"Oh please." She said, her mouth stuffed full resulting in me giving her a look. "Even if you two were never officially together, everyone knew the both of you were basically off-limits. Don't worry though, she won't be around long if I have anything to do with it."

The last time I heard her this serious over a topic - besides on my bathroom floor about a month ago - was when she found out that Chase had cheated on me with Cynthia. She never liked Cynthia in the first place and always made it a point in our conversations to warn me about her, but when she found out what Cynthia had down, I actually thought that she was going to murder someone.

Fortunately for Cynthia, and Micah really, she didn't. She did, though, give her a very long talk about how to be a good friend. I don't think it really had much of an impact if I'm being completely honest here.

Before I could say anything, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw the notification telling me that Jaden had just posted on Instagram. Clicking on it, an image in black and white of him holding Madison from behind while they were smiling at the camera filled my screen.

I turned my phone off and stuck it in my bag, not really wanting to see my best friend - who I just so happened to have the biggest crush on but can never be with - falling for another girl. Hence why I have been doing anything to leave the house.

"What?" Micah was looking at me, her face obviously showing concern. Yet, of course, she had a cake pop in her mouth.

"Nothing. Anyways, her name is Madison and she is actually a really nice person. I'm just glad he found someone who isn't going to treat him horribly. Besides, for the last time, we were never together, so how exactly could either of us be off-limits?"

"I don't know, B. I guess it was kind of like an unspoken rule. Everyone knew it, everyone besides this Madison chick. The whole fandom even knew it was a rule. Did you ever wonder why under their post where they announced their relationship a lot of people were accusing her of being a rule breaker? Homewrecker? And my favorite, a selfish bitch?"

I won't lie, this made me laugh. "You're so nice, Mi."

My phone started ringing and hesitantly, not wanting to see the notification, I looked at the screen.

Luckily, it was just Bianca, my stepmom. But still, I found this weird. She never calls unless there is some sort of emergency, sudden gathering, or she just wants to catch up on my life (this is still very rare as she is often busy with work or caring for my father).

"Hey!" I smiled into the phone, although I knew she couldn't see it.

"Hi, honey." Her voice sounded nervous, which only made me more nervous. "I don't know how to say this, and I hate having to say this, your father had another accident. Do you think you can get to the hospital? The one closest to our home."

My heart fell. My dad had an accident two years ago at his construction site that left him partially blind in his left eye and permanently blind in his right. He was helping one of his coworkers with the blueprints when a driver lost control of one of the loaders. The bucket of the vehicle had hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious and leaving him in the hospital for a month. It had caused some serious brain damage, his eyes being the main issue.

"What happened?"

"I'll explain when you get here. How soon do you think you can?"

I looked at Micah who was also looking at me. I gave her a small nod, her obviously knowing what as going on and heading towards her car to start it so we could leave quickly.

"Ten or so minutes, I'm with Micah so she'll be coming with me, I hope that's okay."

"Of course, I'll see you when you get here. Bye."


Just when I thought life couldn't get any more stressful, the world just thought it would be funny to throw another thing my way.

Spoiler, it is not funny.


the first time i wrote this chapter i accidentally deleted it, this version is not nearly as good as the last but it'll do:)
i also finished an amazing book called 'saint anything', whenever you can go to the library or bookstore next, i suggest reading it!

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