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The next few days basically flew by. Mainly because I slept through them all, too scared to come out of my room and face anyone, Jaden especially.

The only time I saw anyone was when the boys took turns checking in on me, Kio always bringing me food. Sometimes the girls - Avani, Olivia, Dixie, and rarely Addison as things between her and Bryce were slowly ending - even came in and sat with me.

Everyone was genuinely concerned for me and that made me feel any worse. I was never one to want attention, joining social media was as far as I had ever gone and that all started because I was making TikToks for my friends. I was never supposed to go viral.

No one besides Micah knew what was going on. The secret was eating away at me and I had to tell someone. Obviously, that someone was Jaden.

I hadn't seen him since he came in my room around three am last night. He still checks on me every night, and each time he does I pretend to be asleep although I hadn't been sleeping at night at all.

I got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom, deciding it would probably be good to take a shower and wear clothes other than sweatpants and tank tops.

As the water hit my back, I was deep in thought. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents disowned me. They hardly talk to me as it is. They're more obsessed with my brother's accomplishments as he didn't grow popular from a silly social media app.

    I knew maybe my father would be somewhat supportive as his parents were also teen parents. But, as for my mom, she wouldn't be happy one bit. She always wanted grandkids, but not until I was older. She expected them from Brayden first, this she made very obvious.

My parents were divorced, but both remarried. I had a younger brother on my mothers side who I rarely talked to. I didn't get along one bit with my stepdad, which definitely wouldn't help my case with my mother, so I rarely went to visit her.

I loved my stepmom though. Her and my dad make the perfect couple. I wish they would've had kids together but unfortunately Bianca, the woman he married, is unable to have children. Maybe that would be a plus on my case to him.

    This for me thinking, though. What if I gave my baby to them? Bianca always wanted kids, they even considered adoption before but never went through with it.

    Of course I had to ask Jaden, I mean he is the father of the baby after all. Which meant I had to tell him about the pregnancy.

    My nerves were through the roof and I made sure my shower was longer than usual as a way of stalling. Putting my clothes on was longer, then my hair took way longer, but my makeup took the longest. I was stalling, stalling bad.

Finally, after two hours, I looked alright. I don't know why I felt the need to even look decent just to leave my room, but I did. Maybe it was because I was about to announce to someone I wasn't even dating that I was pregnant with his child. But still, I found that a stupid reason.

"Hey!" Jaden cheered, catching the attention from the other boys on the couch and they smiled as they watched me come down the stairs.

Bryce got up and walked over to me, "We all thought you died. The girls told us you wouldn't even talk to them." He pointed towards the kitchen where five girls, including Addison surprisingly, were laughing and talking.

Five? Who's the fifth?

"Mads, come here." Jaden smiled as a blonde girl walked over to him.

Before she got there I decided to speak, "Uhm, actually I need to talk to y-"

"Hey!" The blonde cut off, enveloping me into a hug. "Jaden has told me so much about you, I'm so happy to finally meet you."

"Oh, hi." I gave her a fake smile, "Jaden I really need to talk to you, its kind of important."

Kio then walked over, pulling me into a hug. "I'm glad you're finally out if you're room, you really had us worried."

Giving him a small smile, I looked at Jaden to try and pull him aside so I could talk to him. When I looked up, him and Madison were off sitting on the catch, laughing together.

I walked off to my room, my heart dropping because Jaden had moved on. It was obvious. Madison seemed sweet, at least. So I guess I was happy for him, it's good he moved on.

At least I think.

"Hey." Someone said, knocking on my door.

I was holding the pregnancy tests in my hand. It was probably gross that I still hadn't thrown them a way. I guess in my own twisted way, I was hoping the tests had made a mistake and would switch from 'pregnant' to 'not pregnant' somehow.

I immediately threw them in my nightstand drawer when I heard the voice. Luckily, I don't think they saw anything as my back was turned to the door.

Turning around, I saw Kio standing in my doorframe. He gave me a small smile before walking in. "What's up? What'd you just put in your drawer?"

I don't know why, but I broke down. I broke down, telling him everything while crying. All he did was hold me in his arms. Halfway through my story, Olivia walked in and saw me.

She walked over and hugged me, sitting on my bed and also listening to everything I had to say. Of course, they gasped when they heard me say I was pregnant. Their eyes wide when I pulled the tests out of my nightstand.

But most surprising to me, they were supportive. They let me speak, and they didn't judge me afterwards.

That's what I needed. Support.


i've given you guys three chapters today to make up for the days i didn't post😌

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