T H I R T Y - T W O

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    Texas was all I really expected it to be. Hot, humid, and a bunch of people out having fun. It kind of made me want to move here, if I'm being honest. I've only been here for a few hours and those hours I have spent in an airport because they lost Bryce's luggage.

Sam said he would be here in a few minutes to pick us up, if they didn't find Bryce's belongings they would give him a refund for the fund he paid for his luggage to be taken and we would just go out and get some new things.

It really wasn't a big deal. He said he didn't pack much anyways which didn't surprise me, he often wears the same close for a week. Boys are gross.

"Did they say anything?" Josh asked when Bryce came out of one of the offices located away from the more busy part of the airport. He had an envelope along with some paperwork in his left hand and a water bottle in the other.

He shook his head, annoyance scribbled all over his face. "No, they fucking lost my shit."

His sudden outburst of anger took me by surprise. Bryce is usually a laid back person, but he does get angry at times. It's probably why he's fought so many people in the past. Watching the fight videos over and over again was always a highlight of my day whenever we did.

"Chill." I said, setting my suitcase closer to me as who knew what was going to happen to it if Bryce already lost his. "We can just get you some new things, we will go out tomorrow or something. I'll pay."

"Wow, aren't you just such a giver." He jokes, causing the five of us in our circle to laugh.

Anthony had decided last minute to stay behind. He said he didn't want to leave Avani and he didn't really want to come, anyways. It was cute how Kio and Ant wanted to stay behind for their girlfriends, it really was.

"I mean, I could not pay and you can buy everything if that's what you want."

He held his hands up in defense. "Nope, not what I want."

"Sam said he'd be in her a few minutes. He told us to head on outside." Josh interrupted the conversation, shoving his phone in his back pocket and heading past the baggage claim to the giant doors which led out to the area where people could pick up their family or friends.

Everyone followed him, the sound of wheels being rolled across the concrete was starting to become annoying and I just wanted out of the building. I've always hated airports, I can't exactly say why they just aren't really a place I like to be.

They're too loud for me, there's too much noise everywhere and way too many people for my anxiety to not go off the charts. Public places really have never been for me, I like to stick to living life through a screen which is how I gained popularity in the first place.

"Beah!" I heard a familiar voice yell before I was getting tackled in a hug, almost falling to the ground but being saved by the person who managed to keep is standing.

When they pulled away, I saw it was Sam and a giant smile immediately took over my confused look. "Oh, my god. Hi Sam!"

I looked around to see everyone greeting people like Tayler and Kyle who either lived in Texas or flew out a few days earlier.

    We all made our way towards the two SUV's that I assumed Sam had either rented, or ordered on Uber. Josh, Jaden, Bryce, Sam, and I all got into the silver one while the rest piled into the black SUV.

    It wasn't a terribly long drive from the airport to where we were all staying. I ended up falling asleep on Jadens shoulder about three minutes after even getting in the car. I was tired, from the plane ride since we had to get up earlier and I have learned over time that being pregnant makes you tired so much faster.

    The first thing I noticed when we got to the house: Madison was there.

    Why was she there? I had no idea. No one told me she would be coming along on the trip and to find out she was by seeing her waiting for us on the front porch upset me more than her actually being there.

    Typically, I wouldn't mind. She's still a friend with many of the boys though they don't talk or hangout as much because of obviously reasons. But, she was Jadens ex and I didn't want to be staying under the same roof as her. I knew it would be incredibly awkward and the thought of how awkward it would made me want to turn around and go back to the airport.

    "Hi!" She immediately wrapped her arms around me, then Jaden, as soon as we walked up to the door.  That action made me immediately flinch back.

    She had just shamed us on her Twitter recently and now she wanted to act all friendly? If she hadn't done what she had I would probably not mind, but she had caused most of our fans to hate us

    Sure, we weren't exactly innocent, but we've both done bad things. I already knew that this trip was going to cause some drama, so many of the boys had talked about how many girls they were planning on inviting over in our group chat, but now with Madison here I didn't know if I was going to be able to enjoy.

"Uhm, hi?" I didn't mean for my greeting to come out as a question, but it did.

"I'm over it, don't worry!" Madison smiled, answering a question I wasn't going to ask but definitely had. "I'm not mad about my boyfriend - sorry ex - cheating on me with someone I considered a friend anymore! We can all just go back to being good friends."

"Great." I trailed off, going inside with Jaden, who hadn't said a word to her, following closely behind me. We went up the steps and into a room that was designated for us.

As soon as the door closed behind Jaden, I set our suitcase down and turned to look at him. He looked just as confused as I was, making my next question almost unnecessary but I still asked it anyways.

"What is she doing here? Who invited her?"

He looked at me before shrugging. "I don't know, B. I'm sorry, I didn't expect her to be here. I know she's probably going to ruin this whole trip for the both of us, and I'm sorry about that. I guess we can get a plane ticket for tomorrow or something and go back home?"

I sighed, walking towards my boyfriend and giving him a hug all while shaking my head. "No, it's okay, we won't let her ruin our trip." I pulled away and looked up at him with a smile. "Besides, we are here to visit friends, and that's exactly what we are going to do!"


i can't wait for the next chapter and the one after ahaha i'm excited. there's only three more written chapters before the final chapter which is an instagram post.
i want to say sorry really quickly for being terrible lately with replying to comments. i usually make it a goal to reply to most comments and i've been really struggling recently haha.
sorry for the sucky update and updating schedule lol
but there's drama in the next chapter
also last thing, i didn't want madison to be this crappy character because she seems like the sweetest person in real life but i needed a problem character and she just was kinda there. this is no hate to her btw!:)

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