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    "Jaden!" I screamed, running down a flight of stairs and meeting the eyes of six shocked boys.

    "What?!" He yelled back, obviously mocking me as he sat down his phone to give me his full attention.

    "Would you please be kind enough to tell me why in the world you did not inform me of the fact that you were releasing a song? Like, I knew you could sing, but you didn't even think to tell your best friend in the whole world that you were coming out with music?"

    Bryce laughed, "He didn't tell any of us, it just kind of happened."

    Jaden shrugged, "I wanted to keep it a surprise."

    "We're throwing a celebratory party later!" Kio shouted, obviously excited.

"Wait, what?" Jaden looked at him meaning he didn't know anything about this apartment.

"It was supposed to be a surprise your idiot!" Griffin yelled, playfully punching Kio in the arm before turning to Jaden and nodding.

"Anyways," Anthony started, "Invite whoever you want, it's going to be the biggest party of the year!"

Oh boy, I can already tell that this is going to be one big mess. Literally.


    Drink after drink. I couldn't stop. My one weakness would be alcohol. You give me one cup full and the next thing I know I have basically downed a whole bottle.

    "Hey!" I said, my drunken stage being very obvious, as I wrapped my arms around my brother who was talking to Micah.

He laughed, "Oh, Beah. You idiot. I thought I told you to keep an eye on her Micah."

Micah put her hands up in defense, "Uhm, I was talking to you thank you very much."

"Whatever." He chuckled, turning back to me, "Okay, I think you've had plenty to drink sis."

"I got her." Someone came up behind me, grabbing my arm and pulling me away and towards my group of friends. "Don't worry, we saved you from him."

I looked up to see Bryce was the one who pulled me away and handed me another cup of alcohol, which I had immediately drank.

"My hero!" I joked groggily.

"Bryce, I think she's had plenty." I heard Avani say before she reached out and grabbed the cup out of my hand only to receive complaints from me. "The last time she was this drunk it ended with her almost falling off the balcony."

I laughed, remembering the time when I had first moved to the Sway House and we threw a party to celebrate. I had had way too much to drink and somehow ended up dangling off of one of the balcony's.

Jaden had found me and managed to get me back on the ground of the balcony before anything serious happened. The sad part of it all was I was laughing the whole time and not thinking anything of it.

Speaking of Jaden, I hadn't seen him the whole party. I needed to find him because, well, it's not a party unless him and I are together.

I waved goodbye to my friends and began to walk through the huge crowd of people dancing in the living room. I walked outside towards the pool area to find even more people partying.

I'm pretty positive that this party was much bigger than we wanted it to be. Turns out, the people we had invited had invited people themselves, those people invited more people who in turn invited even more people. It was chaotic.

I still hadn't found who I was looking for, though. I heard someone yell and then a giant splash came from the pool.

Luckily, I wasn't by the pool and only got a few water droplets on me.

"Hey." Someone said from behind me before I felt myself being dragged back into the house and up a flight of steps.

There were less people on the second floor than the main floor. I felt myself being pulled up another set of steps and to a third floor where the only people there were ones waiting to use the bathroom since the first and second floor bathrooms had lines of people outside them.

I still couldn't tell who the person was that I was with, but they felt familiar so I wasn't too worried.

    The person opened a bedroom door and when we entered the room, I recognized it as Jaden and Josh's room. I looked up to see the person looking down at me before connecting their lips with mine.

    This sudden action took me by surprise. I pushed them away before backing up.

    "What the fuck?" I asked, still trying to figure out what was going on.

    "Sorry." He said, scratching the back of his head before going to leave the room.

    For some reason, I raced towards the door and shut it before he could leave. "No, it's okay. I didn't mind."

    He looked at me as if he was questioning if I was telling the truth or not. Before I knew it, his lips were back on mine and we fell onto one of the beds. Who's bed was it, I couldn't tell, but I didn't really care.

    Will I regret this in the morning? Probably. Do I regret it right now?

    Not at all.


yuck, cringe, im sorry you had to read this.
i don't write sex scene but uh, they had sex.
oh also, i still haven't decided on who i want the person to be so just know right now there are two ways this story can go so. that's exciting.

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