T W E N T Y - N I N E

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I was currently in a private room of my doctors' office, the woman in charge of the ultrasound was staring at the screen and moving the tool around my stomach. The whole process was very cold, I did not like it one bit.

Jaden was next to me, staring intensely at the screen and constantly blurting out 'boy' or 'girl' whenever he saw any glimpses of what was growing inside me.

It sounds weird when I put it like that.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the monitor was turned off by the woman and she put the printed pictures into a small envelope. We had told her prior to the appointment that we wanted the gender to be a surprise.

Jaden and I had agreed together that it would be more fun to wait for the gender of our baby until it was born. We thought that if we did, it would be more special. This meant no fancy gender reveal party or baby shower, and honestly, I was okay with this.

Besides, I'm three and a half months along now. I only have a little over four months to go and I knew I could wait that long.

The boys had begged us to let them know the gender and after many hours of them bothering us, we finally agreed to let them so long as they kept it among themselves and didn't give us any hints.

Of course, this meant they were going to tell their girlfriends. Brayden and Micah were over at the time of this and were apart of the begging, so they will know also.

I knew it was probably a bad idea to let them know because the odds of them accidentally saying something to us were high, but if they can hide a whole pregnancy from fand I knew I could trust them enough to hide a simple thing like this.

They were like family - and Brayden was actually my family - I knew it was only right to let them know. But I drew the line when everyone wanted to come to the appointment with me.

So far, the fans hadn't suspected a thing. They freaked out when they found out Jaden and I were actually an official couple and many started up rumours claiming this is why him and Madison broke up. Although this was true, they didn't need to know that as the rumours had already brought me enough hate.

I only posted photos of my head, old ones, or pictures from the back. My bump was only tiny - Jaden freaked out when he first noticed it physically growing - but I wasn't taking any risk. Our supporters will know when we feel the time is right to let them know.

We thanked the doctor and walked out of the building, heading towards my car. Our hands were connected and I could feel that Jaden was shaking slightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked, making my confusion obvious as everything was perfectly fine only moments earlier.

He let go of my hand to get in the driver's seat while I got in the passenger's spot, looking at him as soon as we were both in the car to show I was awaiting his answer.

"I don't know, B." Jaden shrugged, buckling his seatbelt and pulling out of the parking lot. "I guess I'm just nervous."

"Nervous for what?" I knew the answer and I knew my question was stupid. I've been nervous a lot recently also.

"Everything." He sighed, taking one hand off the steering wheel to grab and connect my own hand. "It's not you, please don't think that. But the realization that you and I are going to be in charge and responsible for a whole baby is wild to me. It only started to hit me recently how big of a deal that is. Do you really think we can do it?"

It hurt to hear that, but only a little bit. To say I haven't been asking myself the same question or constantly second-guessing my choices to keep the baby would be a lie, because I have, and I have a lot. The thought of raising an actual child was terrifying to me, especially at only eighteen.

I knew everything I had done before would have to come to a stop. My freedom would be practically ripped away. Human beings need lots of care, and it freaked me out knowing I would be in charge to actually care for one. I'm still a child myself, in all reality.

"I have my doubts too, Jaden, I do. But when I think about it, think about it in a deeper sense, so many other people out there have done it. Most of them younger than us, too. When I think we can't do it, I just have to remember that if they are strong and brave enough to face everything that comes with having a kid, then we can do it too. We can do it, trust me."

He took his eyes off the road for a split second to give me a smile, glancing at the envelope in my purse before his eyes went back to the road. "We're going to be great parents. And you know, great parents know the gender of their baby. Can we please open the envelope?"

I shook my head. "No, sir. We both agreed it would be more thrilling to find it out when he or she is born. When we get home this is going straight to the boys who are going to hide it from you, after they look at it of course which unfortunately you cant do."

He pouted, his bottom lip going out. "I hate the fact that I love you."

"Awe, that really sucks. You're stuck with me, sorry not sorry."


can we get a counter for how many times i have said i hate this chapter? because if so add this to that counter also.
this story is ending in 3-6 chapters and i already have the last one written which means i have the name and gender of the baby already chosen.:) does it sound crazy if i say i used a random number generator to determine the gender lmao? i kind of feel like the book is dragging on at the point and theres only one more major thing i have planned to happen before the end so that's fun!
anywho, my uploading schedule is all sorts of wacky but i am still trying to upload once a day and maybe twice if im feeling up to it haha! thanks for sticking with me and through the oddness of this book, its greatly appreciated.

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