T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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    "Are you scared?" Jaden asked, opening the door so I could get in the passenger seat of my car before walking over to the driver's side.

    I shrugged, "Kind of. I mean, I'm not so worried about how my mom will react but more so Ronald. My excitement to see Lewie is the only thing causing me to still go through with telling them."

    He smiled when I mentioned Lewie. The two of them had only met a few times due to me not visiting my mother much, but whenever they did they would always go up to Lewie's room and play with all his toys.

    It was weird, Jaden had always had an instant connection with the majority of my family. I wasn't complaining, I actually loved it. I think I should have realized earlier that it was a sign the two of us should definitely be together.

    "I love Lewie, he's such a sweetheart. As for Ronald, fuck him, never liked the dude and never will." Jaden's tone showed he was obviously not happy about having to see my stepfather.

    Ronald was probably the only one of my family members that didn't get along with him. Even my mom liked Jaden yet couldn't really express it because of how much of a controlling asshole her husband is.

    "You didn't have to come with me, you know? I could've down it on my own."

    He grabbed my hand while his other stayed on the steering wheel. "B, I'm the one who got you pregnant, it's only right that I come with you. Besides, I want to be here for you because I think we both know that their reactions are not going to be great."

    I gave him a small smile, leaning over and lightly kissing him on the cheek. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."

    Before he could answer, my mom's house appeared and we pulled in the driveway. Turning the car off and both got out. As we headed to the front door, it flew open and Lewie came running towards me. He jumped into my arms with a huge smile on his face.

    "Beah!" He cheered, "I missed you so much!"

    Jaden walked around the car and tapped his shoulder which caused him to quickly turn around and let out a small scream in excitement. "Jaden?! I didn't know you were coming!"

    I looked up at the door to see my mom standing there, a small smile on her face. I walked towards her and pulled her into a hug only for her to quickly pull back when Ronald approached us, obviously no smile present on his face.

    "Hi." I attempted to try and sound like I was happy to see him but I knew my voice came out harsh.

    He only nodded in response, leading all of us inside to sit at the dining table. The smell of pasta filled the air and I knew almost instant my mom was making her famous homemade spaghetti.

    "Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes." My mother sat down in the seat next to Ronald. "In the meantime, what is it you wanted to talk to us about?"

    "Can tell Lewie to go up to his room and play?" My brother was in the living room that was connected to the dining room and although he was doing his best at pretending to play with his toys, I knew he was eavesdropping.

    She nodded and then proceeded to tell Lewie to go play in his room. He hesitantly agreed and when he was finally upstairs both my mom and Ronald looked between Jaden and I as if telling us to proceed without actually speaking.

    "Okay," I started, my stomach twisting into knots due to how nervous I was to tell her. "What I am about to tell you both you can't get mad, okay? It's going to come as a shock at first and you're probably going to yell at me and not be too happy but please just know that-"

    "Just tell us." Ronald cut me off, his annoyance with the whole situation was evident.

    "She's pregnant." Jaden announced for me.

    I watched as my mom's smile fell, staring at me with shock written all over her face. I looked over at Ronald to see his face red with what I assumed anger. I knew this wasn't going to go over well for either Jaden and I.

    "What?" I heard a voice from behind me ask and I quickly spun around in my chair to see Brayden standing there, the same shocked expression as my mom all over his face.

"You're joking, right?" Ronald let out a small chuckle. "And if you are, that's not a funny joke at all."

I shook my head. "I'm not joking. I'm pregnant, I'm about two or so months pregnant. I know it's shocking and I know it comes as a big surprise but all I ask is for your support throughout this all. At first I wasn't going to keep the baby and probably give he or she away but then realization hit that Jaden and I will be amazing parents. You can disapprove of my decision, but please, just stick by me - by us - through all of this."

"Get out of my house." Ronald pushed his chair away from the table and abruptly stood up. He finger pointed towards the front door gesturing for us to leave.

"What? Mom?"

I looked down at my mom who was still taking in everything. I knew she wasn't going to say anything, not to me or her husband, but I really wished she did. I then turned to look at Brayden who was glaring at Jaden. He caught my eye and I gave him a look basically asking for him to stand up for me in which he just shook his head.

Sighing, I grabbed Jadens hand and walked towards the front door, stopping before opening it to look at my mom who now had her head raised and was looking at the two of us. "I hope you come to your senses some day. I love you, maybe I'll see you later."

And with that, I walked out the door with Jaden by my said, leaving my so called family behind me.


as i was writing this i realized i completely forgot to include a chapter about her fathers funeral. let's just say she took jaden with her and also announced to bianca that she was pregnant in hopes of shedding light on a sad situation. i had the chapter halfway written out but i guess i didn't see it in my drafts (my drafts are a mess for this book and i have chapters written that were never published because i didn't like them) and just didn't end up publishing it.
i also completely forgot about the whole diss track thing. i'll try to include that in some later chapters haha.
i also want to say a quick apology for being gone for so long. i just needed a break to deal with my mental health which has always been a huge struggle for me. some things happened in my family and i had a whole mental break down i guess you would call it and just needed time. i was on wattpad but that was only to reply to my pm's (pm me anytime if you want to talk about things or need someone to talk to, i'm always here!) this is in no way me begging for pity i just wanted to let anyone who cares know why i was gone!:)
there have been so many comments added to this story and i'm going to spend awhile today replying to them all and getting back to you guys! i'm also going to spend a lot of time writing future chapters. ps, i already have the last chapter.;)
sorry for the novel of a rant but i'm happy to be back and writing again! i hope none of you disappeared while i was on my 'break' and will still continue to read my story.:)

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