T W E N T Y - S I X

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About a week had passed since everything went down.

Jaden and Madison both announced that their relationship ended. They didn't explain exactly why, only that things weren't working out and it was best for the both of them. She had messaged him and I together in a group chat and told us she wasn't going to announce that he cheated, she didn't feel like it was right to expose him like that and just wanted the best for the two of us.

It was really mature of her and I couldn't think her enough. She was a really sweet girl and I only hoped the best for her.

As for the two of us, we were going on our first official date today. He was surprising me and not telling me what we were doing, only to dress casual and comfortable and he would take care of the rest.

Of course, I had recruited Micah, Olivia, and Avani for help as they knew what he was planning. Jaden told everyone but me to get their approval because he was so nervous about the whole thing.

The week leading up this day was pretty calm. Nothing exciting had happened. The house was back to normal and I couldn't have been any happier about that. I was glad things were going back to the way they used to be.

The boys were excited about Jaden and I finally giving a shot at dating. They even admitted to having a group chat behind our back where they would discuss ways to get us together. We all sat around the living room and laughed as everyone took turns reading the plans everyone had come up with.

"Are you nervous?" Micah asked, digging through my closet to try and find clothes she considered suitable for today.

I shrugged, watching in my mirror as Olivia straightened my hair. "Honestly, kind of. I mean, it's not like Jaden and I would never go our together to restaurants or the beach or places like that, we did it all the time. But it's different this time, you know? The word 'date' has a lot more impact than people would believe."

Avani nodded, running one of her makeup brushes over my face. "That's exactly how I was with Ant. You're so used to just going out as friends but once it has a meaning behind it it just makes you feel nervous."

"Don't stress too much about it," Olivia smiled at me. "Everything is going to be fine. Plus what he is planning is really sweet."

"It's not too cliche either. Oh!" Micah cheered, walking out of my closet with a pair of shorts, a red cropped tank top, and some sandals. "Look, it's perfect!"

"You guys really can't tell me what he's planning? Not even a hint?"

I watched as the three of them quickly shook their head, sharing a look with each other with huge smiles on their faces.

"Good news, you'll find out soon, you're ready!" Avani pulled away from me, examining her work and smiling with triumph.

Someone knocked on my door and Jaden walked in dressed in white pants matched with a black and white striped shirt.

Olivia, Micah, and Avani all got up and walked out of my room, leaving me and Jaden.

"Wow, I've never seen you this dressed up." I teased, walking towards him with a wide smile on my face.

"Anything for you."

"Cheesy much?"

He laughed, "Have you met me? You look amazing, by the way."

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I did now would it?"


It was about a ten-minute drive from the house to the closest beach. When we arrived, Jaden grabbed my hand and led me towards the sand. It was later in the day, close to about six or seven, so not a lot of people were there.

We walked for a few minutes before we approached a small picnic set up in an area of the beach that wasn't too occupied.

As cliche as it was - which completely contradicted what Micah had earlier said - it was still the cutest thing. Plus, it was more than any of my past dates have ever done for me. Jaden definitely had a lot of pros that made him a hundred times better than anyone I have previously dated.

We sat down on the blanket and Jaden pulled out some of my favorite foods.

"This is so cute." I smiled at him, receiving one back.

"You really think so? I thought of so many ideas and this seemed like the best on. I knew how much you liked the beach as you always force me to come nearly every day during Summer. Plus, you and food are like the perfect couple so a picnic just seemed like the best idea." I could tell by the way he spoke that he was proud of what he came up with.

"Oh? What are you trying to say, Hossler?"

His eyes widened, "That is not what I meant at all, I sw-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, him immediately relaxing and moving his hands up to cup my face. "I know what you meant."

The rest of the night was perfect. We ate, talked, and laughed. It really couldn't have gone any better than the way it went, and I was glad it was with Jaden.

He was so much different than everyone else. I felt different around him, a way I never felt around Tony nor Chase. With them, it was like I was walking on eggshells. They weren't bad people, maybe Chase a bit but definitely not Tony, but I never felt like I could fully be myself.

As with Jaden, it just felt right. From the moment we meant everything just fell into place. We connected so well it was almost impossible for us not to quickly become friends. He was my best friend, he still is my best friend and nothing will change that.

We're more than friends now, and I'm perfectly okay with that.

"I have a question." Jaden interrupted my thoughts, coming to a stop. We were walking along the water, the sun setting and most people who remained on the beach when we arrived were long gone.

"What is it?"

He was now facing me, a serious expression on his face and his hand that was holding mine shaking a bit. "I think it's pretty obvious that this was going to happen eventually. I was going over this whole speech in my head I would say to you before asking this, but then I realized I've already said literally everything I could have the last few days, so I might as well just ask it. Beah, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck before answering with a question of my own. "That depends, will you be my boyfriend?"

"I think that's kind of how saying yes to being my girlfriend works." He laughed, his hands no longer shaking, his nerves obviously having calmed down.

"Well, in that case, yes, I will be your girlfriend."


yuck, cringe, omg im so sorry for this chapter i despise it.
but hey, they're finally official. i kind of feel like i made that happen too soon but the story is literally ending soon and i still have a few things planned (beah has to tell her mom, they have to tell the fans they're dating, and the birth of a whole child).
i hate the words 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' so much lol.

i want to say really quickly that i probably won't be updating tomorrow and possibly the day after. there's some shit going on in my life and with my family and it needs to be sorted out. that plus school doesn't really leave any time to write. everything okay though and i'll be back as soon as i can!:)

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