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    "What do I do?" I asked Micah, who had come over to embrace me in a hug. She really does give me the best hugs.

    She shrugged, her face showing the pity she felt for me. "Want the honest truth? I really don't know. You need to tell Jaden though, that's for sure."

    "No," I shook my head, "I can't do that. Besides, he won't care, he's lost any feelings for me, he would not want a kid."

    Micah stared at me. "Okay, first off, you're going to have to tel him eventually, especially when you're stomach becomes the size of a watermelon, it'll be pretty hard to hide it. Well, that and the fact that I think he deserves to know that he is going to have a whole fucking child. Secondly, there is no way on earth that he lost feelings, he's been simping for you for as long as I can remember."

    I crinkled my eyebrows, her support definitely not helping. "Please never say the word 'simping' again. And you can say whatever you want about the whole feelings thing, but I guess you're right when it comes telling him. I'll probably do it when it all actually seems real to me, because as of now, I'm really hoping this is all one big nightmare."

    "I'll be here for you every step of the way." She smiles and I felt somewhat better. "But, there's also the little matter of the fans."

    I let out a low laugh in nervousness. "Uh, yeah, about that. I don't even know."

    "You know, if you tell Jaden about this it can be a discussion you two can have together, you know, as the future parents of a damn child."

    I knew she was right. It would be better to tell him sooner rather than later. I just was more worried on what this would do to our friendship.

    I believe it has become fairly obvious by now that that single friendship meant more to me than anhtbing else. Besides maybe Micah, but I've known her since I was three so that is hard to beat.

    When I would tell Jaden, I had absolutely no idea. As for now, and probably awhile, Micah is the only one who knows. It will stay that way for when I'm ready to tell others, I made her promise this.


    "Are you okay? You look really pale." Anthony said, walking into my room.

    Micah had left earlier today, her mom calling her home for an emergency. Since then, I'd spent the rest of the day in my room, laying in bed and crying.


    "We're all going out, you're obviously invited if you want, it's just the whole house. We haven't been out in awhile." He sat at the edge of my bed. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm sorry, but you really don't look great."

    I sat up, "Oh, wow, thanks."

    "I'm joking, but no, seriously, please come out with us. You've been in here all day, we're worried about you."

    "Yeah, sure, I'll be ready in a few." I gave Anthony a slight smile, watching as he walked away.

    Going out with the house, Jaden included, was definitely not something I really wanted to do, especially after finding out I'm carrying his child inside of me. I'm having my best friends child.

    Sighing, I got up and changed out of my sweatpants and tank top into ripped jeans and a plain, blue tee. Slipping on my converse, I gave my hair one last brush to fix it since I had straightened it earlier, and fixed my makeup - concealer, mascara, and highlighter.

    I walked down the flights of stairs and saw everyone waiting by the front door.

    "It's about time." Jaden walked up to me, "We were about to leave without you if you took any longer."

    Seeing Jaden made me want to throw up. I was about to blurt out everything right then and there but I was stopped by the fact that I was about to fall over before Jaden caught me.

    "B, seriously, are you okay?" Anthony asked again, obviously noticing something was up.

    "If you're sick you can tell us," Bryce started, "We really don't need you throwing up all over our food."

    Josh nudged him, "Ignore him, do you just want to stay back?"

    "If you guys don't mind, Id really rather stay here for tonight, I'll come along next time though." I said, receiving a frown from them all.

    Kio looked at me, giving me a look before nodding. "Guys, you go on, Ill stay back with Beah. I don't want her to stay here alone."

    Jaden gave Kio a weird look but shrugged it off before turning back to me. "Are you sure you'll be alright? I'll stay instead of Kio, if you want."

    "No, no, all of you can go."

    Much arguing later - which was only like two minutes of me convincing everyone I was going to be okay here alone - everyone had left and I was back in my sweatpants, makeup free and hair up in a high bun.

    I grabbed my laptop and clicked on Netflix, already deciding I was going to spend my whole night binging Shameless.

    I was distracted though, realizing that my life had just gotten so much more complicated then I had ever thought it was going to. So much had happened in the past day, and I was so happy for it to finally end.

    How in the world was I going to tell Jaden, the Sway boys, my parents, my overprotective brother, and two fanbases that I would have an actual child in nine months.

    It was way too much for me to handle.


when this chapter is terrible but i wrote it at six am when i haven't slept since five pm because my sleep schedule is terrible but it's okay and i'm sorry you had to read it 😗✌🏼

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