T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Looking towards the couch on the back porch of the home, I quickly noticed that Madison was practically sitting on Jaden. He obviously looked uncomfortable and attempted to push her away only for her to scoot closer once again.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, turning my attention to the pool where I saw at least a dozen girls, most of them crowding around Bryce, Quinton, and Josh. Quinton was someone we have always been friends with, and there was a bunch of talk about him joining the Sway House which I wouldn't mind, he was a really cool person.

The girls, though, on the other hand were not cool people. I feel like they don't understand what boundaries were and it disgusted me how some of them were acting.

For example, a few of them were all over Josh even though he has a girlfriend. I had to resist every urge in my body to not go over there and do something about it. I would've if it wasn't for the fact that it looked like everyone was having a good time and I did not want to cause a scene and ruin it.

Even though Cynthia and I are still not friends, I hated the fact that knowing her and Quinton were once talking, he was getting extremely close to a large number of the random strangers.

Sometimes, boys seriously disgust me.

"Hey!" Someone said cheerfully from behind me, their voice kind of shaky and rough in a way indicating they were a bit tipsy.

I turned around and saw Griffin standing behind me, a large smile on his face as he sat down next to me on the step I was sitting on because all the other chairs were taken. Madison had practically kicked me out of my seat from next to Jaden on the couch.

She definitely was not here to be friends with Jaden, nor I, again, that was becoming very obvious.

"Hi," I replied, giving him a small smile. I knew he could tell something was up, though, as his face turned into a confused look and you could practically see the engines in his brain running as he tried to come up with an answer to what could possibly be wrong.

"Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "I guess, I really just want to go home."

"Why? We're having so much fun!" He threw his arms up in the air and that's when I noticed the red solo cup in his hands. I, unfortunately, noticed it too late as the liquid went flying out of the cup, splashing all over me.

I had to keep my cool. I quickly calmed myself down and stood up, walking away from Griffin who was repeatedly apologizing and into the house. None of the other boys had taken notice to what had just happened or the fact that I basically just stormed off, and I didn't even bother to see if Jaden had as I knew he was preoccupied with prying Madison off him.

He had gotten up a few minutes prior to the incident with Griffin and went to go talk to Bryce. This only resulted in him getting 'attacked' by a bunch of other girls who really wouldn't let him leave. He was quite literally trapped by them.

I wasn't jealous, I really wasn't. I have no reason to be, Jaden is with me and we are going to have a baby in about a little over three months. I was more so upset about how rude the girls were if anything.

I walked up the steps, down the hallway, and into the bedroom that Jaden and I were staying in. I needed a break from the stress of everything, I needed away from the chaos.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on the text messaging app, immediately going to the group chat I am in with Kio, Olivia, and Micah. I knew I could go to them, they were my closest friends and I trusted them more than anything, almost more than Jaden.

Before I could even begin to type, the door that I had shut behind me flew up to reveal Jaden standing there, a worried look playing across his face.

"There you are!" He exclaimed, walking to sit next to me on the bed, making sure to shut the door behind him. "Are you oka- Why do you smell like alcohol? You weren't drinking, were you? I didn't think you were supposed to drink while pregnant."

"No, Jaden, I did not drink, I am not the irresponsible!" I didn't mean to yell, nor take my anger out on Jaden, and I could tell by how he flinched back, the hurt evident in his eyes, that I took him by surprise also.

"Woah," He held his hands up in defense, "I wasn't accusing you of anything, Beah, I was just simply asking."

"I know." I sighed before standing up and walking over to the dresser, pulling open one of the drawers and quickly changing out of the alcohol-drenched clothes I was wearing. I walked back over to him, sitting once again beside him, looking him in the eyes before continuing. "I'm sorry, J, I didn't mean to come across like that. It's just, I don't even know, I guess this whole trip is just overly stressful, you know? If I knew there were going to be so many people I would have stayed home. It's fucking exhausting constantly going behind people and cleaning up their messes and making sure they don't get hurt. Plus, there are so many disrespectful girls here all over you, Josh, and even Quinton. Like, do they not know bo-"

Before I could finish my long rant, a warm liquid trickled down my leg, soaking my new clothes and the bedding.

"Is that what I think it is?" Jaden's voice showed how nervous he was for the answer, his eyes as wide as saucers.



the baby is coming, i repeat, the baby is coming. she's like a little under six months by now so yeah, the baby is a preemie. i knew i wanted to do this from the beginning and when i found out the boys irl went to texas i knew it was like the perfect opportunity, which is why i was so excited to write the texas chapters.

you can skip past the next part if you don't want to hear me gO oFf about a pm i got the other day.

I'm probably going to sound like a big baby because hateful people are just apart of everyday life, but some of you really need to check yourselves and think before you say something to somebody. I am one of the most sensitive people to walk this planet and like receiving harsh (nonconstructive) criticism really makes me reconsider all my writing and everything I have worked on. If I haven't thought about unpublishing this book before, I am most definitely considering it now haha. I received a pm the other day and was super excited to open it and read it because I love to talk to people. Anyways, they said something about how horrible this book was and the writing made them quit reading after like the fifth chapter or something. They said more but that's just a brief summary and oh my god, I literally haven't touched this app since I got that. I've been rethinking everything and wow, it really hurt. If you don't like the way something is written or don't like how the story is going, then just stop reading, I won't be offended! Please don't pm me or comment hateful things or point out every flaw. I am not perfect and this story is far from perfect, but I am trying my best.:)

On another, much happier, less ranty note, we are super close to 100k reads and I couldn't be more thankful or appreciative! <33333

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