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    "I'm back!" I heard Jaden yell before my door shot open revealing him standing there with our bag of Chipotle I forced him to go get.

    I jumped up, running over to him and grabbing the bag out of his hand. "Oh, my god, it took you long enough. I was about to go and force one of the boys to go and find you or something."

    He followed me and sat down next to me on my bed. He grabbed his food out of the bag and began eating, but still continued to talk with his mouthful of burrito.

    "You're disgusting." I teased, my mouth also full of food.

    We continued to finish our food, laughing and joking as we did so. I pulled out my phone and decided to do a TikTok live.

    When about five thousand people were on, I began talking, "Hey guys! I'm here with Jaden and we're going to be answering your questions, so ask away!"

    Comments started rolling in with so many different questions. I scrolled up and randomly stopped on one before reading it out loud, "This is for Jaden. What was your first impression on Beah and how did you guys meet?"

    Jaden thought about it for a minute and then answered, "Uh, we met I think a year and a half ago. I had bumped into her at some random restaurant, I don't remember which, and recognized her from TikTok. She recognized me and we exchanged numbers. Honestly, she was probably one of the most chill people I had ever met. We instantly connected and became immediate best friends, we even moved in together a few months later."

    There was a sudden stream of comments all surprised that we had lived together before the Sway House. I didn't realize that we had never made it public that we lived together. I guess we had just always assumed that people could tell by us always being together and having the same background in about every video we made.

    It was Jaden's then to read one and he also scrolled through the comments, stopping on a random one. "So, are you two just friends? And do you see anything happening in the future?"

    "Yeah, just friends for now." I smiled, "I mean, I don't really know what the future holds, but whatever happens, happens. I love Jaden with my whole heart, but I can really only view him as a friend. I wouldn't risk our friendship like that."

    Everyone began commenting on how disappointed Jaden looked. I didn't realize he did at first because I was too occupied with the food in my hand, but when I turned and looked at him he did look kind of upset.

    "Are you okay?" I whispered, hoping the audio wouldn't pick up.

    He quickly nodded before perking up and scrolling through to find another question.

    We continued on with the q&a for about fifteen minutes after that before ending the live. We both decided we wanted to watch a movie.

    It was a Saturday night and Josh and Bryce were the only ones home. They were probably together discussing the plans for their diss track. Jaden and I being the only two home besides them left us quite bored.

    When we lived together, we would always go to Target or any other store to pick out the movies in a "surprising" way whenever we were bored and decided on a movie night.

    Basically, one person would head down the aisle with both their arms out to their side and whenever the other person yelled stop, they would have to stop and pick the items opposite of their arms. We did this for snacks, movies, drinks, and really anything else we could think of blowing our money on.

    "You ready?" Jaden asked, throwing on a hoodie.

    I looked in the mirror at my outfit. Black leggings, a white sweatshirt that may or may not belong to Jaden, and my white air forces. Perfect, the typical basic look I was going for.

Nodding, I followed him out of my bedroom. We walked down the steps and into the living room only to receive a few questioning looks from all the boys.

"Where are you two going?" Bryce asked.

    "We're going to the store, you guys want anything?" I answered.

    The boys began listing off everything they wanted which caused Jaden and I too laugh and run out the front doors.

    "We're filming a hot tub confession part two tomorrow, you both are in it!" Josh called after us, receiving thumbs ups.

    We got into my car, Jaden in the drivers seat and me in the passengers. He turned on the radio and the audio began screaming back. I quickly turned it down before looking at Jaden.

    He, obviously feeling my eyes on him, laughed, "What?"

    "I missed you."

    "What do you mean? We live together, B."

    I shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I just missed hanging out with you apart from with all the guys. I feel like we haven't really been able to since we all moved in together, but you're my best friend and I want to spend more time with you."

    He took one hand of the wheel and put it up to his chest in a joking manor, "What? Is this Beah actually being sentimental? No fucking way."

    "Yeah yeah, way to ruin the moment shithead."


We ended up with the whole Shrek series and the Karate Kid movies. Our drink were Dr Pepper and some weird sparkling soda I had never seen before while our snacks were a bag that consisted of a wide variety of chips and an assortment of candy.

I'd say it was all a win in my book.

When we got him, we dropped off some things to each of the boys before heading back to my room and setting up for our movie night.

We decided to watch Shrek first, as it was our favorite movie. I mean, come on, who does not appreciate a good Shrek film?

"I don't think I've watched Shrek in a few years." I admitted.

Jaden looked at me with wide eyes, "What? How? You've really been missing out."

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I think I forgot the movie really existed if I'm being honest."

"Donkey would take offense to that."

"Donkey can suck my ass."


i love shrek
also i can't wait to write the hot tub confession chapter, things are gonna be spilled

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