NCTs boss Taeyong has to watch out for a girl that Jisung has taken a family bond towards her what happens when they both start falling in love? The mafia world isn't a good place to have a relationship and they both learn the hard ways but in the e...
I never wanted to wake up from my sleep..when I'm sleeping I escape the hell of my life I go somewhere where I feel happy where everything is great,but I can't sleep the whole day. I can't leave JaeJin alone I'm not planning leaving him any moment.
Leaving the comfort and happiness of my dream I leave my room going into JaeJins room to wake him up. On the way there I zoned out and didn't hear the screaming of the woman.Once I got there I saw her in the middle of slapping JaeJin I immediately ran and pushed him away to his bathroom leaving me with a drunken disgrace of a mother.
She hit me.Every hit hurt more not physically but mentally and emotionally. It felt like I was being stabbed in the heart. My mother hated me.The one person who was supposed to love and care for me hated me. No one could help me. I had to survive on my own in order to help the only precious thing to me. My brother.
After a while of not getting a reaction from me she yelled at me and left. When everything was quiet a crying JaeJin came out of the bathroom as soon as he saw me he ran up to me and cried more.It was already late so I got JaeJin dressed got his breakfast and lunch dropping him off going to the office making up a lie to why he was late.
I walked back home carefully going into my room. I soon got ready trying to cover up the bruising on my cheek with some makeup,after a bit the makeup covered it up so it wouldn't be so noticeable.I changed and grabbed my stuff heading to school.
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When I got to school I made up an excuse and got a warning. By the time I got there it was the middle of third period. I got a lot of bored eyes looking at me the second I entered making me feel more uncomfortable. I sat at my usual spot and started writing down the notes on the board.
By the time 6th period came I sat down in my seat Jisung came in a few minutes after me and the moment he saw me he ran up to me sitting down on his chair next to me.
"Omg you are here thank god I thought you weren't here today did you know how scared I was!"
"Sorry I was late but at least I'm here"
He just smiled and nodded we talked until the teacher came and he started the lesson soon we went to dance and everything went smoothly until my sweat uncovered the bit of makeup I had on my bruise Jisung spotted me and called me over.
"Noona what happened to you" Jisung had a worried face making me confused
"What are you talking about?"
"Noona you have a nasty bruise on your cheek what happened who hit you?!"
My eyes widened and I tried to hide my scared and surprised expression, hopefully he didn't see that I tried to play it off like if I hit myself with a door but we both knew that was a bad lie.