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Y/n pov

Jisung looked at me expectingly I didn't know how to react I don't know what he was expecting I wasn't really that scared I mean I was but not really especially because it was Jisung I was really shocked

"Uhhh I-"

"Don't worry tho noona we aren't here to hurt you or JaeJin I promise!!" The pure panic in his voice was very much identifiable my heart clenched at his watery eyes he thought I would hate him? I then remember he mentioned JaeJin and my senses were all in alert as I tried to recall what happened to my boy

"JaeJin where is he is he okay?!"

I tried to get off the bed but because of how fast I moved I pulled a muscle from my shoulder and I ended up falling wincing at the pain in my shoulder

"Noona are you okay!?" Both Chenle and Jisung hurriedly came to me and helped me sit back down

"Please tell me where he is Jisung I don't care who you all are I just need my brother where is he please take me to him or bring him to me I'm begging you"

The three of there eyes went wide by the mention that I didn't care who they were but it was true I didn't care I just wanted my little brother

"Chenle please where is he? Jisung-ah! Please!"

I was crying I couldn't contain my tears I don't know how long I've been gone my little boy was probably worried sick I needed him here

"I'll go get him for you relax. Jisung stay with her Chenle follow me"

The other guy just left with Chenle while I stayed with Jisung still crying he let out a tear and hugged me carefully

Taeyong pov

I was shocked when she said she didn't care who we were maybe she just said it because of her brother or maybe she really did mean it I surprised myself when I started talking I didn't precisely like her but I kept getting attracted to her it was such a weird emotion and I wanted it to go away.

I left after telling her that I would go get JaeJin me and Chenle went together since JaeJin already knows Chenle we were in the car and I called up Jeno

"Jeno do me a favor and locate the little brother with Johnny and Doyoung"

After a few minutes of waiting on the phone they got the address and sent it over as I went to the location Chenle started talking

"You were shocked to right? When she said she didn't care"

"Yes but she might be lying we never know"

"But you saw it too the honesty in her eyes I saw it and I'm sure Jisung did too"

He was right Y/n's eyes where lazed with pure honesty it's another reason why were all so shocked.

"But anyway how are you going to tell her that she has to marry you?"

"Fuck I forgot about that I don't know we can figure it out later"

Chenles dolphin laugh could be heard and I turned to him for a second before looking back at the road

"Why are you laughing Chenle?"

"Don't worry Tae Hyung I think we know how you are going to tell her"

What were these hoes up to oh my lord

We got to the house and knocked on the door we were greeted by a woman she smiled kindly at us before asking what we needed

"Ah we are here to pick up JaeJin since Y/n is busy right now is it possible for you to call him out?"

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