𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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Hehehe guess what today is pstttt it's me bday 😳

Hehehe guess what today is pstttt it's me bday 😳

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I was having trouble breathing since the man was kinda heavy my tears that wouldn't stop coming also didn't help since I would choke on them a little

Taeyong was in deep thought I could tell he had a crazy idea which I didn't want him to go trough with. I kept trying the strategies the guys teached me but the man was to heavy

The next thing I knew I saw Taeyong running full speed towards me and the man he successfully tackled the man taking the man with him to the drop from my window the moment the man was off I ran to the window I started panicking my room was in the second story of the house I cried harder than ever

A loud slpash was heard and I thanked god for having the pool right under my window. Taeyong had just tackled the man into the pool he resurfaced after a minute and so did the man who was frantically waving his arms up it seemed like he didn't know how to swim, Taeyong dumped the mans head under water before going down too.

A loud bang was heard and the once clear blue water from the pool started turning bright red Taeyong once again resurfaced and grabbed the man dragging him to the pavement too the man had a big gash in the side of his stomach it seems like he passed out

After realizing I was just wat hung this happen I ran downstairs too the pool Felix and dad had woken up and were following me asking what the hell was going on

"Taeyong-intruder-I uhm fighting-hURT!" Random words sputtered out I couldn't talk well but they had understood that something was very wrong

When we got to the pool we saw a very bloody man laying down with a slight hurt Taeyong he had a slightly big gash on his arm

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" My dad immediately went to check on Tae and the man

"God I'm so sorry when I was in the guest room I noticed someone was snooping so I went to check and they had a gun and threatened Y/n so I kinda tackled him into the pool and in the process I shot him in the stomach because he was trying to shoot me in the pool" Taeyong ran out of breath and was trying to calm down when he just straight up passed out

My dad immediately called an ambulance and the police  on our way to the hospital my dad asked me something

"Y/n please tell me truth who is Taeyong really?"

I didn't want to tell my dad or Felix of who Taeyong was what if they wanted to separate me from or tell him to leave me alone and to never talk to me again I couldn't let that happen we went trough to much to let it all go

"Y/n come one just tell us." Felix also told me he gently placed a hand on my shoulder for support I guess I took a deep breath and told them.

"Taeyong is my mafia boyfriend. He's the leader of NCT the gang he's not bad I promise please don't do anything. I've went to trough much to let him go I love him. I love him with all my heart." My voice started cracking.

You could probably hear the hurt in my voice talking about Taeyong leaving me my dad seemed like he wasn't surprised neither Felix

"Thank you for telling us sweetheart you don't have to worry we already knew we just wanted to make sure of course we would know who he is your aunts talk about the nct gang all the tim talking about how they are always in the news for how they help the community but in more brutal ways you don't have to worry we trust you and I guess that boy but please for the love of god stay out of trouble." I looked over to my dad and I hugged him thanking him and Felix since they are literally the best.

When we got to the hospital they just said that Taeyong passed out from being underwater to long and not getting enough air they said that they would keep him in the hospital until the afternoon

We all went inside the small hospital room where Taeyong was staying he was wide awake and immediately said sorry to my dad and Felix apologizing for the mess he had "created"

"It's alright son just take it easy when are you going back to Korea?"

"I was going to go back today in the afternoon but I have to stay here so tomorrow or in the night I Uh have to go back for sum um..business?"

"You don't have to be all sus we already know about you don't worry about it!" Felix nonchalantly said he was just on tiktok plopped on the hospital chair

Taeyongs face was drained out of color and he once again looked at my dad and apologized

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this or even had to find out in the beginning promise I won't hurt your daughter I'll protect her to the best of my ability"

"Don't worry about it Taeyong we already talked to Y/n about it as long as you keep her safe it's good but please refrain from getting in danger yourself"

"Yes sir I will thank you again"

My dad nodded and said his goodbyes leaving with Felix since I convinced him that I would stay and sleep in the hospital chair which would turn into a small bed

When they left Taeyong immediately let out a big breath

"God I was scared I thought I was going to shit myself"

I laughed and he smiled at me and beckoned me to come lay down with him in the hospital bed I went over and layed down with him laying my head on his chest his arms tightly and protectively holding me close to him

I always seem to forget everything when I'm with him it feels like time has stopped and only the two of us are alive just together enjoying eachothers company I wanted to stay like this forever.

We stayed in eachothers tight embrace, it was mostly silent with only our breathing and the slight beeping of the machines being heard all until Taeyong said three words that would change our lives.

"Marry me Y/n."

Song suggestion of the day:

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Song suggestion of the day:



Lmao it's my birthday today hehe yeth today July 24th a clown was born 😳

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