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Time flew by fast and it was now the last day of my senior year I was graduating it felt weird almost as if it wasn't real.I got a scholarship for three colleges but I sadly can't go since I can't leave JaeJin alone with that bitch I also wouldn't have enough money for the things needed.

After the graduation Jisung gave me a bouquet of flowers telling me how much he would miss me and how he didn't know how he would he able to survive without me.I stopped his whining by agreeing that we could meetup in summer and when we had free time

"Hey noona! Can we hang out today pleaseeee!"

"I don't know Jisung I have to take care of my brother"

"He can come with us we can go get ice cream or something!"


"Come on y/n noona pLeAsEeeE"

"Fine Jisung now stop whining like a small child"

"hEy I still am young"

I just laugh and we start walking in the direction of JaeJins elementary school while chatting about our plans apparently Jisung was going to Japan for vacation while all I was going to do was work and take care of JaeJin when JaeJin came out of the school he ran up to me asking me if he could go with his friend for a sleepover.

"Noona can I please stay over with one of my friends please!!"

"Oh uh yeah sure but can you take me to your friend?"

JaeJin nodded and showed me to a kid and his mother after talking to his mom and getting her phone number in case of an emergency JaeJin left with her.

"Can we pass to my house real quick I want to change"

Jisung nods and we go to my house I really hope that bitch wouldn't be there to cause a scene I didn't need Jisung seeing that he was to pure.

"Your house looks lovely noona I wish my house looked cozy"

It did seem like a good home to live in, with 4 rooms and 4 bathrooms it was supposed to be great

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It did seem like a good home to live in, with 4 rooms and 4 bathrooms it was supposed to be great. Although it looked like a great place to live from the outside the inside with all the abuse I had to go trough, it made the house look horrible to me. All I could see was the abusive moments, but I just nodded to Jisung. The woman wasn't here so we got in easily I let him stay in my room while I changed in the closet.

"Where are we going Jisung!"

"Oh uh to get ice cream and go walk around in the park"

"Okay thanks"

I got dressed let my hair down and we were off when we were about to leave the bitch suddenly appeared from the kitchen seeing Jisung with me instead of screaming at me she simply tried to act nice I could see trough her and I'm pretty sure so cou...

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I got dressed let my hair down and we were off when we were about to leave the bitch suddenly appeared from the kitchen seeing Jisung with me instead of screaming at me she simply tried to act nice I could see trough her and I'm pretty sure so could Jisung that bitch suddenly had a seductive voice which was disgusting.

"Oh Y/n where are you going and who's this handsome boy is he your boyfriend you never told me"

"It's none of your business where I'm going and also not your business to know if he's my boyfriend now if you excuse us we will be leaving."

She quickly grabbed my hand before I was able to go outside with Jisung he was still close so she didn't try hitting me although she had a tight grip on my arm I knew there was going to be a small bruise there.

"Oh don't be like that sweetheart what's your name handsome?"

I could tell Jisung was disgusted and uncomfortable and I couldn't get out of my mother grip he slightly bowed and as he was about to talk I spoke up.

"I told you it's none of your business can't you see you are making him uncomfortable now let me go"

I slipped out of her grip and slammed the door immediately speed walking to get away from her to say I was scared for what would happen once I got back home was an understatement I was petrified but I couldn't let her be a whore to a minor that's disgusting.

"I'm so sorry Jisung.."

"It's fine noona thanks for helping me can I see your arm?"

I nodded and he checked my arm he told me a small bruise formed and I just sighed I could tell he felt bad but I just gave him a small smile

"Let's go get ice cream to cheer us up Jisung!"

He nods and we left to the ice cream parlor after we got the ice cream we walked in a park talking about random stuff soon it started getting dark and I had to go home I texted the lady and asked how JaeJin was and if he needed anything she said he was fine and that he didn't need anything I was glad he was finally enjoying himself such a young boy shouldn't be going trough this type of things.

"Noona will you be okay I'm kinda worried about you"

"It's fine Jisung I'll be fine now go home it's getting really dark and it will get dangerous I promise I'll be fine I'll even text you now go"

He smiled and started walking when I saw that he was a little far away I went inside my house only to be met immediately with a hand in my throat choking me I screamed in fear but it only made my throat hurt more the woman grabbed a flower vase and smashed it right next to the wall where I was it managed to cut my face and shoulders I screamed in pain again but my throat started burning it felt like a fire started in my throat she let me go and started kicking me

"You stupid child what do you think you were doing responding back to me I looked like an idiot all because you wanted to act tuff in front of your little friend you stupid bitch!!"

she hit my rib over and over until a a horrible scream came out of me I think she just fractured my rib I couldn't breath it hurt to much my tears covered my eyes I couldn't see clearly I started blacking out all I remember is seeing Jisung enter my house with two other guys Jisung came near me while the other two guys went to the bitch I winced when Jisung picked me up I couldn't breath properly with my rib hurting and my throat feeling like it was on fire

"Noona don't close your eyes please it's okay we're going to help you just don't close your eyes"

I tried listening to him but everything felt dizzy my pain was overwhelming and I couldn't stop myself from blacking out.

I tried listening to him but everything felt dizzy my pain was overwhelming and I couldn't stop myself from blacking out

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Song suggestion of the day:
Pick up the phone-Jimin Park

I also love this song it's so good and I love the fact that it's a song about Kino not picking up the phone haha!

What do you guys think is going to happen next in the story?!

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