Jay 🤪
Hey can we talk tomorrow?I can talk right now if you want it's still not late unless you want to wait until tomorrow?
Jay 🤪
Right now is good where should we meet?Could you come over I kinda don't want to leave home atm 😅
Jay 🤪
Yeah that's fine give me the directionYou have my location don't you? We put it for safety measures remember
Jay 🤪
Right lmao I forgot I'll be there in a bitOkay! See you here
I went downstairs and sat down in the living room putting on a random show, after about 15 minutes Jay texted me saying he was here.
I let the gate open and I could see his sports car driving in, once he was at the door I opened it and let him in
"This is kinda really important so do you have anywhere where we can talk privately?" Jay whispered since some of the maids passed by
"Yeah follow me"
I didn't know anywhere other than my bedroom so I just led him there and once he entered I closed the door and sat in one of my chairs
"Well Tae isn't going to be happy that I was in your room with just the two of us" Jay said trying to find somewhere to sit he ended up just sitting in the little couch at the end of my bed
"Don't even worry about it it's not like something is happening but anyway tell me what's up?
"Okay so I'll just be straightforward, Xiaojun called me saying that I have to go to the warehouse back home because one of the warehouses in Japan was broken into and we don't want that to happen back home where most of our stuff is so I'll have to go and I don't want to take you with me since you're with your family right now but we can't send some low gang member to look after you so me and Jisung are going to ask you to be really careful and to always tell your brother dad or someone where you are going and just always have someone with you as much as you can"
"Wow that's a lot"
"I know my mouth dried up a little" I laughed a little
"Okay I understand when are you leaving?"
"I was going to leave tomorrow after I told you but I might find a plane ticket for tonight or just take a private jet"
"Woahhh fancy haha no but actually I will be careful so you be careful too, thank you for letting me know"
"No problem and I will be careful I'll be leaving now remember what I said"
I nodded and gave a hug before leading him outside when I opened the door Felix was there and he looked at Jay and then at me and again at Jay then me
"Oh Felix this is my friend Jay he came to say bye since he has to go"
The two boys did a "bro" handshake before Jay said bye to the two of us
"Are you sure he's just a FRIEND" Felix said when Jays car was out of sight
"YES I'm sure don't even worry about it"

Mafia in love-Taeyong
RomanceNCTs boss Taeyong has to watch out for a girl that Jisung has taken a family bond towards her what happens when they both start falling in love? The mafia world isn't a good place to have a relationship and they both learn the hard ways but in the e...