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Y/n pov

I've never seen Tae's closet maybe just a peak but I didn't see it that well too know how big it is, but whenever he showed me god it was any girls dream!It was huge there was a whole wall that was empty the other wall and his clothes he helped me put my clothes and JaeJins clothes in there making it look more fuller.

I've never seen Tae's closet maybe just a peak but I didn't see it that well too know how big it is, but whenever he showed me god it was any girls dream!It was huge there was a whole wall that was empty the other wall and his clothes he helped me...

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Soon I started wondering if I would be sleeping in Taeyongs room until I got mine, or if would just stay in his room since he moved our stuff in there.

Since he also put JaeJins clothes in there, I presume that we will just move the clothes to our own rooms when they are ready, since JaeJin wouldn't be able to stay sleeping in his room since he was growing older and would soon want privacy.

The day passed by fast and we all had dinner with Jay.It started raining when dinner was done and I hoped it didn't start to thunderstorm ,soon it was time to sleep. JaeJin decided he wanted to watch a movie with Jaemin Kun Jaehyun and Haechan so I went to the bedroom with Taeyong.

This would be the first time sleeping with him alone in his room even though he sleeps in the couch I was still pretty nervous.I went to the bathroom and changed into some sweatpants and a normal shirt.

"The rain sure is getting louder huh?"

I looked at Taeyong he was looking out the window before turning to me "yeah I hope it doesn't start to thunderstorm"

"Why?are you scared?" He didn't mean it in a teasing way he was actually curious his face looked so adorable when he asked that.

I nodded at him before looking away feeling a little ashamed he just walks over to me before lightly grabbing my chin making me look at him

"You don't have to be ashamed if you get scared tell me okay?" I could feel the heat on my cheeks I was pretty sure that he could see the pink tint forming on my cheeks,but I just nodded and headed to the bed and he turned off the lights and went to the couch.

After falling asleep almost 30 minutes later thunder started crashing in the rainy sky. I was trying to not to yelp at the loud noises from the thunder but I failed when I heard a loud thunder and let out a tiny scream.

"What's wrong?!are you okay?!"

Taeyong had turned on the light and ran towards me I had woken him up with my scream I was absolutely petrified,I could feel my eyes water up and as if on que another loud thunder erupted.

I immediately latched on to Taeyong hugging him tightly.I could tell he was shocked he didn't hug me back until after he heard my small quiet sobs he hugged me and told me that it would be alright.

I calmed down a little and let go of him he smiled at me and soon went to turn off the lights,before he could go back to the couch I grabbed his hand and with the last bit of courage I had I told him...

Mafia in love-TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now