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"AGH GIMME THAT YOUR TAKING TO LONGGGG IT SAYS HERE THAT YOU ARE NOt preg-hUh" Haechan had snatched the pregnancy test and broke the news that I was not pregnant

"WHAT" all the guys had looked so excited thinking a child was on its way but nope

"Haechan you know she had to pee on that stick right?" Renjun had told Haechan and he had to process what he said before throwing it at Renjun running away screaming saying how we were all mean for not telling him

"Well Taeyong it looks like you gotta try again so why don't you two go-" Taeil smacked Jungwoo to shut him up while I just laughed and Taeyong blushed

Renjun didn't catch the pregnancy test so it fell on the ground, when I went to pick it up I saw two lines meaning positive so was I preggo or not?

"Um guys it says positive now"

They all ran close to me to see the small stick which now clearly showed two lines they all went to Taeyong congratulating him and then me

"EVERYONE START PREPARING A ROOM FOR THE FETUS LETS GOOO" Jaemin being the dreamies mom had now started giving them each a task it looked like one baby chick telling other baby chicks what to do

"Omg guys the baby isn't going to pop out right now stop it at least wait until we know the gender yeesh"



It was absolute chaos like always but now with a child on it ways-not even on its way I literally just found out like a few minutes ago after our little talk we all went to our rooms I was ready to take a phat nap but Taeyong told me to get ready because we were going out on a date

Thinking about it we never really had a date or did we? I don't really know but the laziness left my body thinking of a cute date with him, Tae said that he would take a shower while I got ready

I did my makeup and looked trough the racks of clothes in our closet it was huge, bigger than the closet I had back in Australia. I found a cute simple pink dress I slipped it on, I wanted to match with Tae so I looked trough his side of the closet finding a pink shirt and some pants.



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Mafia in love-TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now