𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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:))) hi what do you think of the smol border I made with tiny Taeyong

:))) hi what do you think of the smol border I made with tiny Taeyong

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Taeyong pov

Yuta had given the directions to the nearest airport and we were there in less then 40 minutes since I made Johnny drive like if he was bat shit crazy.

"The other guys should be done getting the merchandise and fighting with that assholes guys I'll be going to Australia to go see Y/n. I'll be back in a day since I'm only checking up with her, please do me the favor of taking care of the other small business we have."

The guys only nodded and wished me luck with my trip which I would be taking with nothing but the clothes I currently had on. I left to the airport and bought a ticket to Australia. I'm coming princess.

Y/n pov

The banging at my window woke me up, I looked at my bedside clock to see it was the middle of the night. I went to the big window which was covered by a white silky material, putting it aside I was met by the eyes I've been longing to see. The eyes I so badly wanted to forget.

My breath hitched seeing Taeyong in my balcony, he gave me a shy small smile and pointed to the door wanting me to open it to let him in.

I hesitantly opened the door, he slipped in and gave a tight hug he didn't even have to say anything I could already feel all the emotions he was trying to say outloud.

The unspoken words were so loud. I missed you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I needed to see you. I can't be without you. Please stay.

I don't know how long we stayed in the same position. Tightly hugging eachother with no intention of letting go. It felt too good to be true. How was he here? How did he find me? Is he done with his mission? All these questions were roaming in my head but I stopped focusing on the questions and focused on the tight embrace.

No matter how much I tried to deny it trough out my stay with my dad and Felix I couldn't deny the fact that I fell in love with Taeyong. The nights were we stayed up talking in his bedroom to the mornings when I would find him lovingly staring at me, it all just made me fall madly in love.

The day he brought the witch it felt like my world chattered I didn't know how to react. The first thought that came to my head was "was I not enough?" "Was what we had not love? Was it what all close friends do?"

Having him back with me and feeling all the emotions he was trying to convey to me made me realize how truly in love I am for this man. Having him back in my arms his head nuzzled in the small of my neck felt like absolute euphoria.

He separated the hug and sat me down in my bed he sat right next to me and we talked. The voice which once felt distant was now hugging me in warmth and sorrow.

"I'm sorry. I really am I never meant for things to happen like the way they did when you told me the way you felt the realization hit me like a truck. You are really my everything, all the guys scolded me and I can't blame them I really did a horrible mistake. When I found out you flew out here I was sad I thought you left me and now I had to die knowing I left the best person I've ever met because I was stupid, I was also angry but how could I be mad when you obviously needed to get away from all this bullshit-MY bullshit. I really am sorry. I hope you can forgive me Y/n." I could definitely hear the emotions he was conveying in his voice you could clearly hear how disappointed he was with himself.

I loved this man and I wanted so badly to be happy with him. It felt like my mouth moved on it's own and said the words that I have known since the first day I was going to tell this man.

"I love you Taeyong." I couldn't help the tears from falling. The once small tears turned into a wave

"I love you too I love you so fucking much and I'm so sorry I treated you like that" I could hear the small sniffles coming from Taeyong.

We once again hugged, this time Taeyong separated the hug only to quickly connect our lips. The kiss meant more then anyone would think. It was filled with love and passion the same love and passion that we both knew we would keep alive until the end.

We both separated the kiss gasping for air, his head was resting on my shoulder. I brought up my hand to stroke his soft hair, he hummed at the the gesture and came closer to me hugging my waist still having his head on my shoulder. As time passed the questions from earlier came back.


"Hmm?" The quiet hum was lazed with tiredness I could tell he had gone many nights without rest.

"Why are you here? N-not that I don't want you to be here but like I thought you were on a mission?"

"We were and we already finished it we just have some other small business to handle but the guys went to go do it. Yuta showed me to the nearest airport and I went here I um- ikindahurtjisungsoicouldfkndoutwhereyouwerepleasedontbemadididntmeantodothatiwasjustmad"

I blankly stared at Taeyong wondering what the ACTUAL fuck he said

(Real example of Y/n looking at Taeyong : 👁👄👁)

"You said huh?" He was nervous to tell me but he said it again in a more understanding way

"Um so don't be mad but I kinda hurt Jisung so I could find out where you where I really didn't mean to hurt him I just got really mad and wasn't thinking proper-"

I smacked him.

"Woops I wasn't thinking properly" Taeyong looked at me with a ":0" face and I just smiled sweetly at him before once again smacking him in the arm

"WHY WOULD YOU HURT MY BABIEEE DONT DO THAT AGAIN!" Taeyong tried to hush me but I yelled out totally forgetting that I was not in the guys house and that I was currently in Australia. With my father, and two brothers.

Next thing we know it a very sleepy Felix comes in my room blankly staring at me before looking over at Taeyong who was completely frozen no one would believe that the guy that completely just froze is a whole mafia leader.

Felix was obviously not processing the fact that a random guy for him was sitting in my bed next to me frozen on the spot obviously from being caught by him.

"Hey Y/n can you quiet the fuck down I'm trying to sleep thanks" the half asleep guy walked away with a yawn, I looked over at Taeyong my eyes wide open at the fact that Felix just completely overlooked the fact that I have a guy in my room. On my bed. In the middle of the night.

Not even three minutes pass when we both hear the loud sound of feet running up the stairs up to my room the door burst open to a wide awake Felix eyes wide open with his finger pointing at Taeyong

"WHY IS THERE A GOD DAMN G-" I immediately ran over to Felix and covered his mouth praying that my dad didn't hear him and woke up

"I'll explain everything later don't yell before dad-"

"KIDS WHATS ALL THE RUCKUS ARE YOU OKAY??" The deep aussie voice of my dad could be heard traveling up the stairs heading for my room

The three of us looked at eachother all of our eyes wide open before saying the same thing


HeLlO hOw ARe yOu gUys TodAyy

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HeLlO hOw ARe yOu gUys TodAyy

Song suggestion of the day:
No one- Lee hi


Mafia in love-TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now