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Jisung POV

When I walked away from noonas house I could hear her scream,I immediately started frantically calling the members Chenle and Taeil answered and they were on there way,they told me to wait for them but it was getting harder by the minute since I could hear her pain filled screams. Once they got there we all went inside, Chenle and Taeil going to the mother and stepdad Chenle knocked them out and he dragged them out and put them in the van,Taeil soon came over to me and looked her over. He said that she was in a bad condition,and we sped off to the mansion so Taeil and Kun could help her.

Trough the whole ride I kept trying to wake her up and checking if she was breathing. When we got to the mansion all the guys were alert Chenle took the disgusting parents away to the torture room I suppose and Kun and Taeil took her to the medical room.

"Did anyone see you?" Taeyong asked me, he had a monotone voice making me wonder what he was feeling

I shook my head and looked up at Taeyong he didn't look mad he just looked slightly worried. I found out that instead of some random gang member looking after noona while she was in the streets it was actually Taeyong ,although he just watched when she was out of the house.

Half of the members where here,some were off in a mission while the rest stayed here. Taeyong and I left and went to the hallway where noona was getting helped by Kun and Taeil in the medical room.

"Listen we can't have her stay here or know about us we will leave her in a hospital that we control so when she wakes up she thinks someone helped her and left her in the hospital-"

"But what about the parents they will just keep hurt-"

"Let me finish..about her parent I'll tell Lucas or Doyoung to make it look like they were in a car crash Ten will fake there will and make it so Y/n has custody of her little brother and gets all there earnings including the house since we don't know if she could be in further danger I'll personally go check up on her but this time I'll be with her in the shadows or something unless I'm needed for a mission I'll leave someone else okay?"

I agreed with his proposal and soon Kun and Taeil came out, I looked at them waiting for the news. Kun spoke up first.

"So she has a punctured rib which is making it hard for her to breath we will have to fix that up which will take a few hours she has some bruises and cuts and other small things but other than that she will be okay"

I sigh in relief thanking them right after, they nod and leave to get back to work. Taeyong and I head to meeting room where we wait for the rest of the members to come in, aside from the boys who are gone including Kun and Taeil Taeyong explains the plan and we all start to work.

Chenle and I go down to our torture room I figured that Chenle has already set up some tools for us and maybe even started the torture so I asked

"Hey Chenle did you already start without me?"

"Whaaaatt noooo ha jk but I only cut there arms a little it's not a lot so it's no big deal :)"

I just roll my eyes and he continues to tell me that I can't be mad at him because I love him and blah blah we soon get to the room and we get into work mode

"Where the hell are we!"


"Gosh Chenle why didn't you shut them up there voices are annoying instead of cutting there arms you should of cut there tongues or something"

"Well sorry "boss" but if I started without you ,you would complain now let's start with our little game"

We both smirked at each other and started I told Chenle we had to give them injuries that would look like they would have been in a car crash and soon we went to work

Taeyong pov

The short meeting was done and all the guys had something to do again I went to go check up on the girl when I got to the medical wing I waited outside a few minutes then knocked before entering when I went in I saw Kun and Taeil wrapping her up meaning they were most likely done

"You know Tae instead of just standing around you could go make food for all of us or help us out your choice"

If any other person in my gang other than my 21 brothers said that they would be punched and cut by me but these guys were and are my family it almost seems as there is no boss in this house at times.

"I rather help you guys then make food for those wild animals"

They smile and tell me what to do they give me the task of just fixing up her small wounds being the bruising and scrapes on her face arms and legs after 10mins we were done and we washed our hands before we left to switch our clothes to go to the kitchen to feed the children although some of the members are older than me they all act like children at times

We were all to lazy to cook so the unlucky member being XiaoJun went to pick up some food for all of us Jisung decided to go check on the girl since in a few minutes Lucas and Haechan were going to go leave her at one of our hospitals

"Ten did you finish doing all the legal but also illegal shit?"

"Yeah everything is now in her name although I left JaeJin as her brother but since she is the older sister she will be his guardian until he's 18"

"What about you Lucas did you make up that fake crash and Yangyang what about you did you put the bodies in the crash?"

"I already set up the crash its quite brutal but I mean I made it so of course it will look good!" Lucas said making some of us laugh a little

"I put the bodies there too I also put a little bit more injuries I got bored so yeah" Yangyang smiled at us we never thought such a smiley boy could be so brutal but that's most of us

"Okay well now we just have to get her to the hospital, which one of you called the hospital?"

"I did they already have everything ready" I nod at Doyoung and soon Jisung comes back and tells us she's doing ok soon Haechan and Lucas took her and left to the hospital

"It's late you guys should go rest or do something in your rooms I'll be in my office I have to figure out some things"

They all nod and take there leave I went to my office and I was met with a knock Jisung enters and we continue to talk about how I would be looking after her after our conversation we leave our separate ways and I go to my room where I fall asleep.

They all nod and take there leave I went to my office and I was met with a knock Jisung enters and we continue to talk about how I would be looking after her after our conversation we leave our separate ways and I go to my room where I fall asleep

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Song suggestion of the day:
Not a love song-Bülow

Today's song is an English song yay this song is really catchy or it is for me lol!

Mafia in love-TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now