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I was so exhausted not even three days and I was ready to just give up but I couldn't I had my little brother I had to protect, but how could I do that when I couldn't even move.These assholes have been touching me all over and hurting me luckily none of them have tried to rape me, but they still touched me. Today Chanyeol touched me more than usual I think he might have wanted to try to rape me ,but I didn't let him he left frustrated but it before he left me with a maybe broken arm since I couldn't feel it.

Time went by really fast the moment gun shots were heard all over the building all you could hear was yelling and gun shots it soon started smelling like metallicy meaning blood has been drawn meaning dead bodies everyone was scrambling not even focused on me I tried moving but I didn't work again and again I tried but I just kept hurting myself more

I eventually fell with the chair and a blood curdling scream left my mouth when the chair fell on top of the now very broken arm of mine

I could see Chanyeol getting shot in the arm before he started running away ,the other two men already dead. Soon my vision started getting blurry now feeling pain on my shoulder, when I looked one of those assholes shot me before they died. In the very little vision I had left I saw Jisung running up to me I called out his name before blacking out.

Jisung pov


her weak body fell limp before I could get to her I immediately lifted her up in my arms hurrying to get away I get to car and Lucas drives off like a mad man while Kun and Taeil look over her my tears already escaping my eyes

"Don't worry Jisung she will be fine"

After we got home Taeil and Kun got to work again even tho they stablelised her they still had to do some things after hours of waiting they came out

"Okay so she's good now we fixed her arm and everything else that was damaged where should we put her?"

"In my room let her stay in my room until she wakes up" Everyone looks at me but the two men just nod at me and the rest of us go to the meeting room with Taeyong and wait until Taeil and Kun we're back

"Okay so we need to find a way to let the other mafias not to try to get close to Y/n since she is now going to be tangled in our mess give out any ideas."

After a while of the members spitting out ideas Jungwoo started talking and we all listened carefully as he was the one to come up with every strategy and plan of ours

"This is going to seem far fetched but maybe it's the only way I'm thinking that if she is with one of the members romantically either dating or married than they won't do anything since they usually don't mess with eachothers women because if they do everything goes to shit she would have to date one of the members or to be more safe marry a member most likely someone like Johnny Mark Jaehyun or Taeyong since they are mostly the fighters they know not to mess with especially Tae but I mean it's up to you guys"

We all look at Taeyong he seemed kinda shocked while the other 3 seemed calm which was surprising since it was usually the other way around Taeyong quickly hid the shocked espression and started talking

Taeyong pov

When Jungwoo stopped talking I was surprised that I forgot that the women married to the guys in the mafia didn't get hurt it somehow slipped my mind but coming back to my senses I look over at the other 3 guys nominated and thought about it

"I was about to say Johnny since he is also a ceo but because he is a ceo doesn't that mean you already have an arranged marriage with someone"

"Ah yes I do I almost forgot about her ha"

Mafia in love-TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now