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« Move out my way, nerd » and just like that Max was pushed on the ground, loosing his glasses in the process.

Being treated like that was kind of normal for him, being a cop, you would think that his colleagues would respect him, but no, not him. Why ?

Max was a cop on desk duty.

Due to his position, to his colleagues he was just an usurpator, he was not worth of the uniform and the name. Though, his colleagues were smart enough to always attack him in secluded area, away from their boss eyes.

Besides, the fact that he was handsome and all the women working in this station were after him was not to his advantage.

Not that Max cared about them anyway.

Sighing, he searched for his glasses on the ground, barely able to see anything as he was short shighted, when a hand with long beautiful fingers comes into his view, which was holding his glasses and a soft voice saying : « here, you go »

Hearing the voice, he freezed instantly, he already knew who it was without even saying the face.

Still ashamed, his head down, and his long black hair hiding his eyes, he grabbed them and put it back on his nose.

He uttered a small « thanks » when he heard the same voice again :

« Would you at least look at me when you thank me ? »

Max lifted his head, his cheeks sporting a pinkish hue, looked into the eyes of the other man and said :

« Thank you Tul »

The man named Tul, smiled softly, and caressed gently Max cheeks.

« - You still let them do that to you ? I already told you I can make them stop if you ask me to ...

- No, don't. They are not worth it, besides they are harmless. What are you doing down in the archives area by the way ? Do you need something ?

- Yes. I need ... you »

And just like that Tul smashed his lips on Max's, his tongue asking for Max's mouth entrance, wanting to deepen the kiss.

The black haired man, though happily surprised by his colleague action, put his hand on his chest and pushed him back a little.

« - Tullie, said Max in a whining tone, i thought we agreed to not do anything at work when we started this.

- I know we did, but you were looking so cute, pouting, and looking so lost. I couldn't help myself, there is no one around anyway.

- But what if ... »

Tul smiled and silenced him with a peck.

« - Don't worry so much, i checked when i came into the room and there isn't anyone here. Anyway, i came here to ask you if tonight's plan was still on.

- Of course ! Just need to go back to my flat, take a shower and eat something and i will come around 8 pm.

- No need to do that, just come directly to my flat after work, i will not have the patience to wait for more ... »

Max blushed and stuttered

« - Bu-but ...

- No but ! I will make dinner, so don't keep me waiting. » replied Tul while looking sternly into his eyes.

Looking defeated, and not able to say no to the other man, Max agreed.

« - Great ! says Tul, with a smile back on his face.

See you tonight bro ! » he said while waving and exiting the room.

"Yeah... bro" thought sadly Max to himself while watching the short brown hair guy leaves.

To be continued ...

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