Deleted Scene

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A/N : Here is the deleted scene from chapter 7. As i already warned before, this is a long and detailed intimate scene between Max And Tul, so you may skip this one if you feel uncomfortable. For the others, enjoy :) And again, thank you for your support !


It was well after 9am, when Tul opened his eyes the next morning. Luckily, he was working the night shift today. Max still snuggling in his arms, he sighed contentedly. He missed this, he missed sleeping, and waking up in his arm. It was even better now that they have confessed their feelings to each other. He still could not believe that the man was reciprocating his feelings.

The other man was still sleeping soundly, laying down on his side with his back against Tul's chest. Shifting in his sleep, the brunette inadvertently rubbed his ass against Tul morning hard on. Moaning lowly, he pressed his body closer to Max's backside. Max shifted yet again, arching his body into Tul's one, his buttocks pressing harder against his manhood, his ponytail caressing the other man's face. Tul's breath sped up, uneven, shuddering at the sensation. He decided to take advantage of the situation. Slowly and carefully, he rotated his hips in tiny circles, pushing his manhood against Max's buttocks, liking the sensation. It was good but not enough, he wanted more. With his left hand, he caressed his naked chest, lightly grazed his finger tips over one of the other man nipple. Trailing down, he caressed his abs, reveling in the plain hardness, thanks to countless hours of working out. His hand continued his journey, reaching the headband of Max's boxer. Slipping his hand underneath, Tul gently cupped the brunette semi-erected manhood, and started strocking it. He could feel Max's ass muscles contracted, as he was unconsciously thrusting into his hand. Slowly speeding up his movement, Tul moved his hips in unison with Max's thrusts.

The latter finally opened his eyes. 

Smiling smugly, Tul murmured in his ear « Finally awake, huh. »

Max shivered at the sensation of the man's breath on his ear, and neck. « S-so naughty » he stuttered, attacked by strong waves of pleasure.

« As if you didn't like it » Tul chuckled richly, as, as he stopped his ministration on the other man cock, he hear a protesting whine coming from his lips.

Grabbing the hem of his boxer, Tul ripped it off of Max body, the other man twisted into his arms to face him. His left hand on the younger man's neck, Tul carefully ran his fingers down on it. Without saying a word, Max latched onto his mouth, kissing and sucking his lips. Sliding his tongue into Tul's wet mouth, both tongues intertwining, they panted into each other's mouth.

Tul's hands were pulling at Max's ponytail, as Max's leg found its way over his hip.

Tul's other arm sneaked under Max's body as he rolled him over and pulled the brunette on top of his body. His knees fell to either side of Tul's hips, pelvis against pelvis, both erections rubbing together, Tul's clothed one against Max's bare one.

Giving one last kiss, Max straightened up, straddling the other man body, his hands on his tanned chest, he was drinking in the other man features. The sunlight was starting to peek through the white curtain of Max's bedroom window, shining lightly on Tul's handsome face.

« Something wrong ? » Tul asked, caressing his thighs.

« Nothing, just ... You are gorgeous » he replied softly, tracing his nipples with light, teasing touches.

Not waiting for the other man reply, Max bended forward, enclosing his mouth on one of Tul's nipple, devouring it with his tongue. Flicking his tongue over Tul's right nipple, he pinched the other one with his right hand, and caressed the tanned man obvious bulge with his fingertips teasingly. Max kissed and licked Tul's tanned skin fiercely, trailing his tongue further down as he slowly removed Tul's boxers inch by inch ever so slowly, earning a soft whimpering moan from the older man.

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