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Author's note : This is not a real chapter, just a small little thing I wrote to show what Max was feeling. Also, I want to thank you all for your comments and vote, this means a lot to me. Feel free, to tell me what you think of the story :) 


Another pause, then footsteps. The sound of a door shutting. And then soft sobs as Max fell on his knees, head in his hands.

'I love you'


Biting his lip, breathing hard, Max pulled on his hair as the pain and grief that he had been holding inside finally spilled out. Hot tears slid down his cheeks as his shoulders started to shake, as he realized how badly he was hurting. He started to sob violently, screaming out his pain and his frustration in his empty and silent appartment. Everything he had ever wanted, the person he loved the most in his life, just walked out on him. He realized for the first time, how badly he screwed up. How he wish he could just go back to the past and never say those awful words to Tul. He knew, he must have hurt the other man badly, to the point he did not want to do anything with him anymore.

He has not been the best of friend, nor the best lover, this was understatement, but he was really trying to make up for it.

After several minutes of quiet sobbing Max finally calmed down, he stood up and curled up on his sofa. He start to think back to the event of the night. Recalling the kiss they shared just before Tul left him. He knew the other man still wanted him, he could feel it by the way he responded to his kiss. It was also abundantly clear that he was hiding from him the real reason why he wanted to stop their affair.

' It's over between us, I no longer want you '

Rubbing his eyes, the words kept swirling around in Max's head, not making any sense to him.

Why would he want to break up with him, when he so blatantly still liked his touch, Max could not wrap his head around it at all.

Besides, there was something in their kiss tonight that he had never felt before.

It was clear that Tul was hurt by the situation, but why ?

He was trying very hard to push aside the possibility that his feelings might be returned, because if he knew that if he allowed his mind to go down that path, he would start getting his hopes up and that would only lead to heartbreak.

He needed to figure out what happened to make Tul change like that. The thought that Ram could possibly be the reason behind Tul's decision to break up with him made his blood boiled.

But if he was honest with himself, he was not sure anymore that he was the right man for Tul. Frankly speaking, he deserved better than him.

He never really knew why Tul decided to break up with the guy when he was so obviously in love with him. Ram cherished him, and was always sweet with Tul, to a point Max started to feel jealous of him.

That alone should have been an indication that what he was feeling for Tul was more than brotherly love.

That is what Tul needed. Someone who will always put him first, someone who cares about him.

'He deserves better than me.' No matter how hard he tried, Max just could not ignore that little voice.

Shaking his head, being depressed was not an option. He needed to apologize to Tul for his stupidy all these years, for the hurt he might have caused him, and maybe, if the older man forgive him, they could start figuring out where to go from there.

Standing up, he grab his car keys, put on his shoes, and left his appartment.

He was determined to make things right this time.

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