Chapitre 4

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Max was typing furiously on his keyboard, still irritated at what he witnessed the night before.

He could not erase the image of Tul talking so intimately with Ram.

Ram ... How dare he touch his Tul like that ? And why Tul was with him in the first place. They broke up, right ?

He scratched his head in frustration. Just when he has finally gathered his courage and was going to court Tul, Ram had to came back into his life.

He knew he really messed it up with Tul, but he wanted a chance to make it right. He knew he probably did not deserve this chance, nor did he deserve Tul but he wanted to try.

Try to be the man he deserve. He was sure, now, that Tul was the love his life, but he still, stupidly, told him that he was an experiment to him, because all he could think about back then was how he wanted to be 'normal' and how he wanted to get the man out of his head. It was the complete opposite.

He was a total idiot, and he knew it, but it was too late for the regret now. The only thing he could do was fix his mistakes. 

Making up his mind, he decided to not feel defeated by just one minor problem.

If Ram wanted to play and steal his man away, then he was going to show him who Nattapol  was.

Satisfied, he smiled to himself, he could not wait to see Tul.


Tul, removed his glasses and leaned back in his chair, he was exhausted. Ram had spent the night with him trying to comfort him.

He was pathetic, he knew it, but he could not seem to forget about Max. He knew the other guy was not good for him, but he just could not let go. He loved him too much.

He sighed slowly, closing his eyes as he felt the tears coming up again. No, he would not cry for Max again. Ram was right, this has to stop.

He knew what he had to do.

As if on cue, he heard a soft knocking, and by the sound, he knew already who it was. Max opened the door, smiling at him.

« Hey, I did not see you today. » Max walked over and took the seat across from Tul's desk.

« Haha, yes, » Tul laughed awkwardly, « well, I had some paperworks to do. »

« You look tired ... Looks like you did not get any sleep last night. » he scrutinized him.

« I ... yeah, I met with a friend last night and I guess we lost track of time. » Tul mutters, bitting his lips. He did not know why he felt the need to justify himself to Max.

Max sighed, Tul was lying and it was annoying him. If his meeting with Ram was innocent, Tul would not have hidden it from him. Jealous, he clenched his fists, feeling the need to punch the other man in the face.

He would not let him take away Tul. Tul was his. His only. Even if, he took time to realize it, now that he had finally admitted his feelings to himself, he would not let another man have him.

Thinking of the reason he was here in he first place, Max smiled charmingly.

« Then I'm inviting you to dinner at my place tonight, 7 P.M . You won't have to do anything, just relax, and let me pamper you. »

« Tonight ? But I had something planned already and ... »

« Can't you postponned it ? » Max cut him off annoyed, he already knew Tul's plan must be including Ram. And god knows, he would not let that happen. « Pakorn, na, na, please ~ I prepared everything already, please, come, it would be a waste. »

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