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Two years later.

The bar was crawling with people, just like any other friday night. A soothing jazz song contrasting with the effervescence inside the bar, was being played by a man on the piano on the small scene . Tul looked over across the room, and smiled affectionately as he caught sight of the newly cut hair of his lover. He was not really fond of his new look, he loved his long hair too much. He had an habit of entangling his fingers in them, and when he was stressed or sad, as strange as it sounds it had a calming effect on him. Besides, his boyfriend was just too handsome with his long hair anyway, and when he pulled them up in a tiny ponytail, he was just the cutest man.

'I guess I'm really whipped' He thought self -derisively.

Making his way over to the booth, his smile grew as he could decipher the high-pitched voice of his cousin in what seemed to be an heated conversation with Max. It had been a while since they had the time to gather together. 

« Sorry guys I'm late » sliding in the empty spot next to Max, pecking him briefly, he did not notice the tight uncomfortable grin on the brunette face, and continued, « boss wanted a debried on that stolen diamonds case. » Hailing a bartender, he ordered a glass of apple juice, he was already sleepy and drinking alcohol would not help his tired midn and body.

« You want the promotion that bad, huh ? » Simon teasingly stated, while his hand rested securely on his wife rounded belly. Sticking his tongue out, Tul thanked the bartender when he brought him his order.

« Stop teasing my cousin, you meanie » Tae slapped him gently on his arm, sighing as her husband childishly pouted. Great, now she was going to have 2 babies at home.

Tul chuckled softly, happy for her cousin to have found the man of her life. He couldn't even recall how many times she thanked him for introducing (involuntarily) Simon to her. Remembering the fiasco that was their first meeting, Simon had been such an struck love idiot that night, he tried to muffle his laughter by drinking his apple juice. Yep, who would have though that a playboy like Simon would be rendered speechless by the petite but energic woman that was his cousin. Now they have been happily married for a year, with a baby boy on the way, for whom he was already appointed as godfather. He knew it was her weird way of trying to making it up to him about the whole Ram story that happened 2 years ago. Eventhough, she was not at fault, she still felt guilty that her party almost cost him his relationship. Though Max stated clearly he would not leave him, he, on the other hand, was not sure that he would have been be able to stay with Max if his trichery had been true. They never met Ram again, but they learned from Tae, who was still sporadically in contact with him, that the guy went to see a therapist to try to cure his obsession of Tul, and apparently it works since he was dating someone else now. The guy was not truly bad, he was just a bit too much in love with the wrong person. Tul was genuinely happy for him, as he had made peace with this dark moment of his life, even if he had almost destroy his relationship with Max, he had forgiven him. Besides, some of his own past actions were also clearly questionable.  The latter could not understand how he could forgive and forget so fast, but he was like this. He never hold grudges, for him, it was a waste of energy, and time. Looking sidely at his boyfriend, he could not help having a gentle smile while he watched him arguing animatedly with Simon about who was the best singer, while Suzy was counting the points. Rolling his eyes, he listened fondly as Max was going into his usual speech about how and why Toon was the best singer in Thailand, if not in the world !

He had missed this, this familiar warmth of getting his family together, because yes his friends were also his family.

Actually it was the first time in 3 weeks that he was able to have a night out with his lover. They have been too caught up in their work, well mostly him. He was on a major case, the kind of case that could help a career and forge a reputation. There was an opportunity back at the station to be an inspector, as his colleague Lek was leaving for his well deserve retirement. The job was made for him, he had the physique and the brain, and he knew that case could help him reach his goal. And that's how, he found himself working late several days a week, almost not seeing his lover anymore. Most of the time, Max was already asleep when he came home, or, recently he would still be at work. Besides the fact that they were no longer working in the same station was not helping the situation at all. A year ago, they decided to make their relationship official. It went progressively from living together, to meeting the parents and announcing to their boss that they were dating. To avoid unacessary gossip among their co-workers, Max decided that he had move to another location. After all, he was just a desk officer, and he could be doing the same job at any other station. He did not try to argue with him as he knew he was right. He had too much to loose, when Max ... well, he could start from scratch again, no harm done. This was selfish, but he hoped Max understood.

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