Chapter 10 - Part 2

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« I'm going to fucking kill him »

Raising his head, Tul watched Max's face darkening visibly, eyes blazing with fury, jaw tightly clenched, and his whole body trembling with contained rage.

« Max ? » Tay called out worriedly. He knew the results must have been a shock, and what he was about to say was not any better, but, he had to.

Breathing slowly, Max answered, almost imperceptibly « I'm here. »

« I suggest you to go to a doctor and take a blood test to see if Tul have anything ... » Tay did not have to finish his sentence, or say the word, they understood where he was heading. They both could hear the discomfort in Tay's voice, as he continued « as you must have been out for most of the time, you surely can't remember if you used any protection, » his sentence ending with an awkward cough.

« Hum, yes, » Thanking Tay for his help, Max ended the call soon after, and looked up at his lover, stunned into silence.

« Tul ? » he looked at him searchingly, the man looked like he had seen a ghost.

« B-but ... this is impossible » Tul chocked out, bewildered, paling visibly as a realization hit him. Could it be ... but why ? It pained him to think that everything could have been a huge sick game that Ram played for them. He wanted to be wrong, but, would it not make him feel better if he was right ?

« Everything is going to be fine babe. »

Max's words of reassurance did not come across the other man who was still spluttering, lost in his own world. Max was starting to be freaked out by Tul's behavior. He was looking like a madman, muttering to himself « no, no » and « it's impossible. »

« Tul »

The brown hair man looked up in surprise, startled by the anguish in his voice. Getting out of bed, he observed Max with wide eyes.

« Max ... That day, did you call Katie to come to your house ? »

« Of course not ! » he denied vigorously. Why were they talking about her when they had much more important things to deal with, like the possibility for Tul to have caught STD. « What does it have to do with anything ? »

« When was the last time you had any contact with her ? » The older man was pacing back and forth, scratching his chin.

« When we broke up, but ... »

« Why would Katie come to your house after so long ? »

« I don't know, I- » Max shrugged perplexedly.

« I knew it ! » Tul mumbled to himself, oblivious to Max's growing worry and frustration.

« Pakorn ! »

Said man jumped of surprise, putting an hand on his racing heart in an attempt to calm it down, « you scared me ! »

« Would you explain to me what's happening here ? » Max seized him by the shoulders, waiting for his lover's reply.

« I think he has been playing with us this whole time, » he sighed. « I- I never told you about it because I thought it was not important, but that same day, when I came back home, Ram was waiting for me. I should have noticed how weird he was acting ... » he closed his eyes a moment, breathing deeply to calm his racing thought, and continued « he acted as if he was happy for us, but something was off ... I should have known ! And soon after I find you in a compromising situation with Katie. Now this ! »

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