Chapter 9

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Waking up to a warm breath on his neck, eyes closed, Tul smiled contentedly as he snuggled closer to the body spooning him from behind. Feeling a bigger and taller body, he frowned, weird, he and Max were almost the same size and height. How could he change so much in just one night ? And, that smell ... what was that ? A combination of mint and lilly, really odd, this was not the usual scent of his or Max's bed sheet. Two arms tightened their hold on him, almost painfully. A weird feeling spread through his chest. Max was never that clingy, he was a restless sleeper. It was not unusual for them to wake up apart from each other, each of them on one side of the bed, body not even touching.

A soft murmur of his name made him open his eyes widely.
That voice... Panicking, he dreaded to see who was the other person in bed with him.

'Please let me be wrong' he chanted in his head, tears building up in his eyes.

Turning around, his heart dropped down, he was in a living nightmare. Laying beside him was the sleeping form of his ex-boyfriend, Ram. Eyes hurting because of the sunlight shining from partially closed curtains, he ignored the pain, and looked around him frantically. He recognized the room as being Ram's bedroom.

Anxiously lifting the cover off of his body, Tul gasped, as it confirmed what he already knew. He was naked. Jumping out of bed, he watched as Ram was still sleeping peacefully.

Exhaling softly, to calm down, he tried to reasoned himself. It was nothing. Nothing happened. Besides, if something did happen, he would have remember it .... right ? He tried to think back to the previous night and the last thing he remembered was going to the toilet, after leaving his cousin side.

' What happened after that ? Did I drink so much that Ram had to take me back to his own home ? Why Max did not take me home .. ? MAX ! He must be so worried ! '

He had to leave.

Gathering his scattered clothes on the floor, he picked up his jeans and shirt. Searching around for his boxer, he watched horrified, as laying there innocently on the floor, next to his boxer, was an empty condom wrapper. With a shuddering sob, he let himself fall on his knees, hands pulling at his hair, muttering softly «  no, no, no, not that, please no. »

Ram hindered by all the agitation, stirred up in his sleep. Sleepily muttering « baby come back to bed » as he fumbled around in a vain attempt to reach him. Furious, Tul stood up, and removed angrily the cover from Ram's body « up, now », he articulated, seething, his eyes sending daggers. His heart stopped for a second, Ram was not wearing anything.

He wanted to get to the bottom line, this situation still could be a big misunderstanding. The older man yawned lazily, « why are you so upset for, now ? Can't you be a little more gentle ? » Ram asked irritatedly, sitting on his bed, back resting on the bedhead.

Tul looked at him disbelievingly, shocked at the man relaxed appeareance. Shaking his head, he demanded, darkly « what happened last night ? »

Confused, Ram tilted his head, he asked instead « don't you remember ? »

« No I don't, » the policeman yelled, fist clenching on his side, refraining himself from beating him up.

« Oh ! I see ... » was the only answer he got, as Ram looked thoughtful, at the bedsheet.

Stomping to the bed, Tul forcefully gripped the other man arm, shaking him violently « tell me what happened, now » he said through clenched teeth. He was at the end of his tether.

« Let me go, you are hurting me »

Looking at the red mark forming on his ex-boyfriend's arm, he suddenly let it go, horrified. It was not him, no, he was not a violent person. He was on the verge of apologizing when suddenly,

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