Chapter 7

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A/N : Hello ~ there will be a long, detailed, deleted intimate scene in this chapter. I decided to remove it from the story so those who don't want to read it, may skip it.

Now, please tell me if some you wants to read it or not, as I may not publish it.

Again, thank you for your reading and don't hesitate to comment so that I can know what you think about the story :)



Max was in the kitchen, preparing two cup of hot coffee. Both anxious and excited, he dreaded the conversation they were about to have in a few minutes. Even if Tul told him he loved him, there was still a big issue named Ram and the fact that the slightly older guy dated him.

Exhaling softly, he grabbed both cups, and with a fake happy smile, he made his way to his living-room.

« Here » Max said as he placed both steamy cups on the coffee table.

Muttering « thanks », Tul took one of the cup, and smile to himself when he noticed that Max was still using the customized cup he gifted him -which had a photo of both of them- on his birthday years ago.

Both sitting next to each other, eyes fixed on the blank tv screen, too shy and nervous to say anything, now that the heat of the previous intimate moment was gone.

Sliding down the couch, Max leaned forward, both of their thighs touching the other. Looking up from his cup, they eyes caught, staring at each other for what seemed like forever. Feeling his cheeks warming up, Tul quickly looked away.  

Tul felt his eyes widening when Max suddenly held his chin to tilt his face so he could look at him. Their eyes locking, for the second time, Tul suddenly became aware of their proximity and the brunette had a great time watching Tul blushing furiously.

« Do i make you nervous ? » he said grinning, liking the effect he had on Tul.

« I-I... » Tul stammered, trying to grasp a coherent thought in the ocean of dirty and confused one he was having at that moment. Because Max was just too sexy and intimidating at the moment, being cocky, but he was still unsure about their statut and about ... « I'm not » he replied, « I'm just confused about what you said earlier, about me and Ram and dating. »

« Oh ... » Max tensed visibly and slowly removed his hands from his chin, Tul cursed himself at that. As much as he was distubred by the touch, he wanted to keep the feeling and the warmth it made him feel. « You can tell me, you know, that you are dating him. He told me about it already yesterday night, at the restaurant I invited you at » he commented after clearing his throat.

« Wait, what ? Which invitation ? And i'm not dating him ! He is only a friend ! » the honeyed skinned man protested.

« I sent you a text yesterday to ask you out, I wanted to clear things out between us, I received a posotive reply from you, but Ram came instead to the date and that's where he told me that you were dating. I thought you asked him to come to tell me that » Max shook his head « but seeing your reaction today ... i know it was not you. »

« Of course not ! » he replied indignantly. « I would never do that. He must have done that to protect me, trying to scare you off, to see if you were serious ... » 

« To be honest, it was the exact opposite. I was even more determined to have you, I will do anything for you, Tul. I love you » Max said softly, taking the other's hand, holding it firmly. He watched as Tul was smiling shyly at his word.

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