Chapitre 2

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Warning : There will a very explicit scene in this chapter, if you don't feel comfortable, i suggest you to pass this chapter. Anyway for the other, enjoy and thank you for the comment🙏


Max was still carrying Tul in his arms, devouring each other lips when they stumbled on the bed. Surprised by the sudden move, Tul was momentarily taken aback before he went back to attack Max lips when the black haired man stopped him :

« Wait, i have to remove my glasses » he said as he start to raise his hand to his face

« Don't ! You look sexy with them, keep them  » the slightly older man replied while reaching for Max neck and initiated another feverish kiss.

As Max was looking directly into Tul eyes, he was unable to look away, caught by the look in his eyes. That look... warmth, intimacy, desire, affection, all wrapped up in one impossible to explain package.

Max didn't think at all before reaching out to slip his hand around Tul's waist and pull him closer. He just acted on impulse, responding to the look in Tul's eyes.

Until now, Tul still hold that power over him, to make him weak just by one look.

He pulled back for air for a few seconds, before leaning up to kiss Tul again.

Tul leaned into the kiss instantly, hand sliding from Max's cheek to the back of his neck, even that small gesture imbued with clear sensuality.

Tul was like this, everything about him screamed sensuality and sex, and he knew he was entangled in his web and he will never be able to come out of it, not that he wanted to.

Max moved closer to Tul's body while kissing him deeply.

The feeling of his body against his was too good – lean, muscular, breathless with arousal.

After so many years with him, he knew that his baby could not take it anymore. He wanted him. As if on cue, Tul pulled back from the kiss and looked up with blushing cheeks.

« I want you »

And it was all it took for Max to remove the apron of Tul's body, to unveil his hard and leaking cock. He took a moment to admire Tul's bare body, his tight abs, slender legs, he was perfection and he could not help but feel lucky to be the only one able to see him like that. He looked back up, to find Tul watching him, smiling.

« I don't think I've ever felt as sexy as I do with you »

Tul leaned up for a kiss, grinning as his friend moaned.

« You make me want to walk around naked all the time » he said while pulling Max's shirt over his head

« Are you trying to kill me ? »

Tul chuckled and plucked at the waistband of his jeans.

« No i'm actually trying to get you to fuck me but you keep spazzing out and stare at me »

Tul pulled Max's jeans and boxers off at the same time, throwing them away, as the other man gasped at the sudden fresh air caressing his private part.

« Sorry babe, i can't help it, you are just too ...

Nattapol !

What ?

Shut up, and fuck me »

Tul pulled Max back down with him, the later immediately leaned into him, their cocks brushing against each other, Tul moaning loudly at the sensation.

Tul clutched at his ass, pulling him closer, cock almost painfully hard as it pressed against his stomach, and start rubbing his cock against his.

Still moaning, and squeezing his ass, Tul whispered.

« What are you waiting for ? » and bite his lower lips.

Max lifted himself a little from Tul's body, his hands supporting his weight, and whispered back.

« Nothing »

He moved his body to the bed edge, and opened the first drawer of the nightstand, where he knew Tul kept the bottle of lube.

He went back to Tul's body, to a scene he was not prepared to witness.

While waiting for him, the other man took his length in his hand and was slowly stroking it up and down, while sucking on one of his fingers, eyes closed.

The sight of Tul jerking himself off, almost took him to the edge. He went back to him immediately, started to plant kisses all over Tul's exposed chest and caressed the soft skin underneath his hands. Tul, opened his eyes while moaning softly and arched back to give Max more access to his heavy up and down moving chest.

« Aaaaah ... », Tul moaned huskily as Max brushed his hand off and took his member into his hand and started to pump it.

« How does it feel ? » Max asked between kisses on his abs.

« Mmmmh ... good ... better than ... uuungh ... mine », Tul moaned, totally enjoying Max's touch.

With his other available hand he went to grab the lube and stopped his ministration on Tul's body.

He uncaped it and he let one carefully lubricated finger slipped inside. Tul gasped and grabbed the sheet.

« Yes, Please, more »

Max pulled his fingers out, and grabbed his manhood that he positioned on Tul's opening.

The brown haired man felt the head slowly entering him and how his tight hole was opening up for Max. Tul moaned softly as Max's entire length had finally entered him.

« Mmmh ... feels so good ... », he breathed.

« Nnnngh ... so hot and ... tight ... », Max bent down and sucked on the soft flesh of Tul's neck. He gently clasped Tul's waist as he began to thrust into him, causing a loud hoarse groan of the penetrated one. Tul was a mess, moaning non-stop as Max pounded faster into him. He grabbed the back of the other head with his right hand, pulling him closer to his neck, where Max was eagerly sucking and nibbling on the soft flesh, leaving small love-bites.

« Uuuungh ... yes ... harder ... », moaned Tul.

Max let his right hand roam over Tul's face, trailing his fingers over his cheek, he has always been mesmerized by Tul's face, but even more during sex.

'You are the most beautiful thing i have ever seen' he thought.

He moved faster and faster, harder and harder, holding onto Tul's hips, his hand wrapped around Tul's cock, moving up and down.

Tul just gave in to the feeling, trusting Max to take him over the edge.

His heels were on Max's thighs, his toes curled, eyes closed.

He could see white and black and spots and Max.

Tul felt the length in him twitching, and he came into Max's stroking hand with a deep loud groan. The younger guy followed suit as clenching muscles were squeezing everything out of his cock. He spilled his cum deep inside of Tul as he came with a loud hoarse groan, Tul's name on top of his lips like a soft whisper.

Max made a move to lay on the bed bed, while struggling to regain his breath as Tul, immediately curled tightly into his back. He still wasn't quite sure how he had managed to move them both into a comfortable spooning position, but there they were, Max lying on his side, Tul curled up behind him with one arm under his waist. The other hand gently caressed his belly, then his chest, and he felt a soft, tender kiss against the hollow where neck met shoulder. He heard Tul's breathing even out, indicating that the other man was falling asleep, with both arms wrapping tightly around him and pulling him close. 

to be continued...

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