Chapter 8 - Part 1

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A/N : Thank you for your patience, and again, sorry for the delay. This is a small update, next part will be published during the week end.

Please don't forget to comment, as your opinion is really important to me :)


« What was that about ? » Tul asked, putting the grocery bags he brought with him, on the dinner table.

With crossed arms, Tul waited anxiously for Max's explanation, sure he saw Max pushing away Katie, but he still needed to know what happened. Eventhough he knew Max's feelings for him, he still had a hard time trusting him.

« I ... honestly, I don't know » Max sighed, « she just came here, and one minute we were talking and the other one she was all over me. »

Getting up, he went over to Tul and hugged him tightly, « I didn't do anything I swear, she means nothing to me. You are all I want. I love you, you know that right ? »

« Hum, i guess » Tul mumbled in Max's neck, hugging him back. Smiling, the brunette, rocked their body from side to side, enjoying the moment, sniffing into the sweet scent of his boyfriend.

« Don't be angry, na~ » the brunette replied childishly, « don't you love me too ? » he continued sweetly, his playful and childish nature reflecting on his tone.

« Nop » Tul replied with a teasing voice as he untangled himself from Max's embrace and ruffled his hair, « i don't » he continued and squealed when Max moved to tickle him.

« Really ? You don't ? » Max countered as he wiggled his fingers along Tul's hips, moving them quickly as Tul's rich laughter rang inside the room.

« Stop .... Please stop » Tul begged between giggles, getting out of breath, « ok, ok i love you dummy » he said breathlessly, a few tears tears rolling out of his eyes.

Satisfied with himself, Max stopped his ministrations, and smiled sweetly to his boyfriend,

« Good ! Don't you ever forget that. » sticking his tongue, he continued, « So, what did you brought ? Food ? Because i'm starving ! » Now that Tul was there, he suddenly felt hungry.

« You are always hungry » he smiled sheepishly at Tul's knowing smirk.

Going through the grocery bag, Max took out all the items, « Pasta, cheese and ... ham ? » he listed, puzzled. « You want eat Mac and Cheese ? » Max looked at Tul with raised eyebrows.

Getting close to the raven haired man, Tul replied « you know how much i love Max and Cheese ... » running his forefinger down Max naked torso, he bite his lower lip while staring at him with heated eyes. Feeling hot and bothered, Max was having a hard time thinking straight, Tul always had a way to make him forget everything around him, however not this time, as, as if on cue his stomach growled loudly.

Max smiled and pressed a chaste kiss against Tul's lips, « sorry babe, you will have to save that for later, i'm too hungry »

« Hum, i will let it slide for now, but don't think i'm done with you. » Tul replied, tugging gently on his hair. « Now, go make me dinner », shooing him away, he grinned amusedly at Max's indignant shriek.

Looking at Max retreating back, he stared at his well sculpted butt and legs. Max was not wearing any underwear. Licking his lips, he could not wait to be later.


Two days later, Tul was rushing around in the bedroom, trying to get ready to go to work, while Max was still sitting on the bed, his hand running in his messy hair.

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