Chapter 8 - Part 2

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« You have been invited to a party at my cousin house, tomorrow night »

Flopping down on the couch, he drank from the glass of orange juice that was resting on the coffee table.

Arching his eyebrows over the manga he was reading, Max pinched his thigh playfully and replied « tomorrow ? I can't. »

Looking at him indignantly, Tul punched him, « Oh, why ? » he said disppointed.

« I have a family dinner, my two sisters are going make the trip for once », smiling at him apologetically, he added « i'm sorry »

« Really ? Lilly and Ann are going to be there ? », Tul said excitedly, « maybe i should cancel and go with you instead .. »

Closing his manga, he put it down on the couch, and turn to face the older man. « No, it's ok. Actually, i need to talk to my family alone ... I want to tell them about us. And then maybe, tomorrow, you will be able to greet them formally ... as my boyfriend ... »

Max was nervously chewing on his lip. He dreaded Tul's reaction as he has decided, without consulting him, to talk to his parents about their relationship.

« I- What ? », shocked, Tul suddenly put his hand on Max's forehead, and mumbled to himself « weird, it's cool »

« What are you doing ? » taking his hand in his, Max tilted his head, puzzled.

« Nothing, i'm just checking your temperature. I though, you were sick .. » Tul smiled, and continued « hearing you say that you are going to introduce me formally to your parents ... coming from someone who told me that I was just a one night stand ... »

« You are never going to let it go, right ? » he pouted cutely, « i'm sorry for being a douche, now i want to fix my mistake and treat you the way i should have. »

Smiling, Tul straddled his lap and took his face in both hands « I know, I'm sorry for teasing you. »

The brunette smiled back at him, and pecked him lightly on his lips, « I love you. »

« Love you too, » Tul whispered back, hugging him tightly.


« Why are you dressed like that ? »

Tul could not stop laughing seeing his friend's attire. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with a red rose in the front pocket of his vest, a white shirt and black leather shoes. A total contrast to his own clothing. He was wearing a tight pair ripped black jeans that hugged his body in all the right places (Max had a hard time let him leave for this party as he was « too damn sexy for his own good »), a white shirt and and a pair of expensive sneakers that Max bought for him on his birthday.

« I need to impress your cousin ! » Simon look outragedly at Tul, wiping his excissive sweat off of his forehead.

« But don't you think you are a bit overdressed ? » Tul amusedly, flicked his forehead, « see, you are even sweating, oh and by the way, you already made an impression, she likes you , dummy »Making his way, into the giant garden presenting itself in front of them, Tul ignored Simon's yells and running form « What did you say ? She what ? »

He could already hear the loud music coming from inside his cousin's mansion. Opening to the front door, he was greeted by a cheerful (and maybe a tipsy) Tae.

« Helloooo, hey how are you ? I'm so happy you made it » she tumbled in his arms, laughing at her clumsiness.

'Yep she is definitely drunk'

« Where is your man ? » she continued, not letting him answer, « i thought you would bring him here ... Oh and what about that handsome hunk you were with yesterday ? »

Being fired with so much questions, Tul felt dizzy, before he could ever think a proper answer to give her, she screamed cheerfully « oh there he is » and disappeared behind him.

Shaking his head, he decided to let the lovebirds be, he needed to go to the toilet anyway. The living room was completely cleared of furniture, about forty people or so, were moving to the sound of a upbeat song. Making his way through the crowded living-room, he excused himself when he jostled one of the dancer.

« Oh sorry ... Ram ? » surprised, he looked at the other man standing in front of him. Of course, Ram was here, he had almost forgot that Ram was a friend of Tae before he became his boyfriend.

« Tul ! What are you doing here ? »

« Err this is my cousin's house ... » he watched him, perplexedly.

Ram shook his head, « of course, i'm an idiot » he laughingly replied. « Can I get you somethig to drink ? » he suggested, already taking his hand to lead him to a corner of the room that was arranged as a bar.

Still feeling a bit wary at his ex-boyfriend behavior, but wanting to restore a semblance of friendship, he nodded « hmm, yeah, i just need to go the toilet. You know what i like. » and he disappeared in a hallway.

Ram make his way over to the bar. Watching around him to make sure no one was paying to his action, he took out a small bag out of his jeans pocket and poured its content in a glass he filled with wine.

Nursing the glass of coke he poured for himself, he smirked. He could not wait for Tul's return.


Tul was talking with Ram when he started to feel it. His vision began to be clouded, his head spinning. Feeling lightheaded, Tul was barely able to stand on his feet. Stumbling, he fell into Ram's arms, head resting on his shoulders.

« Tul, are you ok ? » faking his worry, Ram looked at him, checking his face. He was flushed red, and seemed to have a hard time breathing correctly.

« I need to go home » slurring, Tul tried to straighten up himself, but failed as his body was too weak.

Ram shushed him softly, « hmm, why ?  It's early, don't you wanna enjoy the night a little bit more ? »

« Nooo... I need to ... Max ... »  he protested stubbornly, trying to untangle himself from Ram's firm grip, but failed yet again. Tul felt so tired, so very tired. His eyelids felt so heavy. Weird, he was not an heavy drinker, but he had never been drunk with only one glass. As he felt his head pounding, he only wanted to get home to Max, no he needed to.

« Ok, ok, let's go. »

Closing his eyes, he sighed contentedly, and let himself be carried by Ram. He felt his body being shoved on a seat, feeling around a bit, not wanting to open his eyes, he recognized it being in a  car. Smiling, he relaxed as in a few minutes he would be able to cuddle with Max in his, no, their bed.

The car started his journey, the steady sway of the moving car was soothing, so soothing that he actually fell asleep, still smiling at the thought of being a few minutes away from being pampered by his boyfriend.

Feeling fingers running on his face, he leaned into them, liking the sensation. He must have fell asleep on his way home, he thought, calling softly his lover name, a soft whisper answered him.

« Don't worry, i will take care of you. »

to be continued...

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