Chapter 10 - Part 3

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Hello ~
First of all, sorry for the late update. As you know, this is the last chapter. I want to thank everyone for your support and kind words throughout this journey.
For the interested one, you can check my profile for my 2 others MaxTul story.
Take care, and again thank you ~

Max was standing strong, his gaze menacing, his right hand set on his gun, ready to take it out in case something went wrong. He had been standing behind the closed door of the bastard apartment, following Tul's wish to a conversation alone with Ram for 20 minutes, when he reckoned that the requested time was up and that Ram had more than enough time to explain himself. When he barged in and his eyes fell on the scene before him, he saw red. How dares he ? How dares he put his filthy hand on the pure angel that was his lover ? Seething in anger as the other man was still holding onto Tul, staring at him defiantly, he could almost hear him say « go on, do it », daring him to take out his gun. Oh, he knew he was being crazy and foolish, he was not even supposed to have his pistol in his daily life, hell, he was not even having it at work ! He was only a desk officer, not a field policeman. The only moment he was holding one, was during his annual training back at the station, to renew his license. So yes, he definitely knew he was going crazy, his anger and jealousy blinding him, but Tul was his, and his only. No one was authorized to touch him intimately, except him.

« Don't make me repeat myself. »

Reaching for his handgun, caught up in their staring contest, he did not realize Ram loosening  his grip on Tul. The brown haired man use that opportunity to shove Ram away, and grabbed his arm to twist it behind his back. Walking a few steps, the police officer squashed his ex-boyfriend face in the wall, he smirked contentedly when he heard the painful hiss coming from the other mouth.

« Now you will tell me what happened that night. »

« No-nothing. Nothing happened » Ram rasped out in pain, « please release me. »

« I said tell me what happened. » Pausing between each coldly spoken word, Tul was loosing his patience. Even if he knew nothing happened, he needed to know the details of that night.

To say Max was stunned was an understatement, he had almost forgot how intimidating his boyfriend could be in his 'policeman mode'. It has been such a long time since he had witnessed him in action, with him choosing a different career path. His boyfriend was a strong man, not some damsel in distress he needed to save, and in his blinded rage, he forgot that fact.

« I knew there was a chance for you to go to that party. Tae was your cousin, why wouldn't you ? I didn't expect much from it, I was so sure you were going to come with Max. But just in case, I brought a small dose of GHB. I had no really thought of what I would do with it. But when I saw you coming in, all handsome, I-, I just lost it ! I spiked your drink when you went to the restroom ... » wincing in pain as Tul tightened his grip at his words, Ram continued, « I took you home when the pill kicked in and then I undressed us and went to sleep. » He was not ashamed at which length he was ready to go to have Tul, he was ashamed he got caught. If anything, if he had to do it, he would do it again. « We didn't do anything, I just wanted you to believe it so that you would leave him. » He spatted the last words.

« You asshole » Max snapped, « I'm going to ... »

« You are going to do what ? Make me fill in a document ? » Ram asked back smugly. He was still unaaware of the precarious situation he was in, and Tul's growing anger.

« Now you listen to me bastard. You mean nothing to me. Never had, never will be. Don't ever touch, speak, or call me. Else, I will make sure you won't be able to do any of that anymore. Understood ? »

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