Chapter 6

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Warning : There will be an explicit scene at the end of chapter.
A/N : again, thank you for reading my story 🙏🏼 Don't hesitate to comment to tell me what you think of it 😊


Tul woke up the next morning, groaning, he rolled over and buried his face in his pillow. He turned on his side, watching the rise and fall of Ram's chest who was still in deep slumber. All the events of the night before came rushing back, he felt ashamed and guilty, and more importantly he felt like he cheated on Max even though he did not slept with Ram that night. The only reason he kissed Ram was because he was hurting too much and he wanted to move on and forget Max, but when he felt Ram's hand and mouth all over his body, he knew he could not do it.

His lips were not as soft and tender as Max. Kissing Max has always been his favorite thing to do, his pink lips were soft and moist, and molded perfectly with his own.

And his eyes. So mesmerizing, warm and expressive. They could understand each other by just a glance.

Only the younger man could make him hot and weak in a few seconds by just a caress.

Only him could make him addicted to his scent, a unique mix of sweet and masculine.

They shared a deep connection that he could not seem to have with Ram.

Ram was just not the right one.

He wanted Max. Only him. His body was craving for his touch, and love.

Sighing he laid down on the bed, and stared at the ceiling, he did not know what he was supposed to do now. He was so sure yesterday that he was taking the right decision by stopping whatever they had going on between them, but now that Max confessed to him, he felt like he did the biggest mistake of his life.

The ringing sound of his phone caught his attention. He fished around on his bedside table, located his phone and look at the name displayed. Max.

His heart started beating erratically, he stared, dumbfounded, at his cell's screen. He was ready to answer the phone call, though he did not know what he could possibly say to the other man, when he felt Ram stirring near him. He quickly cancelled the call, and put his phone back down on the bedside table. The last thing he wanted was to talk to Max with Ram near him.

He felt him curled against his back, his arms sliding around his waist, pulling him close.

« Who was that ? » he murmured.

Feeling uneasy, Tul tried to move back but the other man tightened his arms around him.

« My ... my mom, it has been a while since i last called her so she must be worried » he lied. He did not wanted Ram to know the identity of the caller.

«M'okay ... What are you going to do today ? » Ram asked, kissing his naked shoulder.

Tul felt really uncomfortable by his touch, he could see that Ram thought he might have a chance with him, he did not wanted to lead him on, but he did not know what to do.

« I don't know, I was planning to stay in bed and maybe watch a movie or two » he replied hesitantly. « What about you ? Don't you have to go to work ? »

« Nop, it's my day off today, i can spend the whole day with you » Ram answered, his head buried in Tul's neck.

« Oh ... You are planning to stay ? » Tul asked, getting out of bed and walking to the dresser. He

« Why don't you want me here ? Are you already bored of me ? » he said laughingly, staring appreciatively at Tul's boxer clad body.

« Hum, no ... of course not. I ... I'm gonna go prepare breakfast. » He pulled on a shirt and headed to the kitchen. Ram stayed in bed, loosing his smile and went to grab Tul's phone. He knew that the other man lied to him. Without much hesitation, he unlocked the phone screen and noticed the 'one missed call from Max' word written before his eyes.

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