Chapter 10 - Part 1

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A/N : Again sorry for the late update as I was quite busy the last 2 weeks. The story is coming to an end soon (1 last part), I hope you will enjoy that one and please don't forget to comment :)


« Now tell me exactly what happened that night. »

Max knew it was a bit masochistic from him to ask for all the details but he needed to know. Trying to catch Tul's gaze, he failed as it was resolutely set behind him, on the carpeted floor of his bedroom. They were cuddling on his bed, Max embracing the older man's body, and caressing his back gently. Tul's hair falling on his forehead,not styled in their usual fashion, he looked so young and vulnerable in that position, Max feel the urges to protect him from everything in this world. He tightened his hold as if he was afraid that someone was going to steal him away.

« I- no ... I can't, please don't make me remember this »

Uncomfortable, Tul tried to detach himself from the other embrace, to no avail as Max didn't loosen his grip. Shaking his head defeatedly, he breathed softly, « I don't know what to tell you, I- I'm sorry » he sighed heavily.

« Babe, » rearranging his arm around Tul's waist, he waited for the latter to look at him, before he continued, « I know you are, but that's not what I asked you. »

Closing his eyes, Tul nodded understandingly, « Ok ... I remember going to Tae's house with Simon, we were joking around when I saw Tae's from afar and went to talk to her. »

He paused, eyes still tightly closed, eyebrows furrowed as he was trying hard to recall last night events, « I remember I needed to go to the toilet, and somehow I ended up talking to Ram, and then ... » He choked on his last words, saying this name was too painful.

Still caressing his hair gently, the raven haired man hummed softly, « and then, what ? »

« I don't know, » Heads burried in his boyfriend's neck, Tul inhaled softly his scent, his shoulders shaking as he tried hard to not cry. He was ashamed. Dirty. Unworthy of his Max's love.

Rocking their body softly, Max delicately took his lover's chin and raise his head up « Shh, don't cry, » wiping the only tear rolling down on Tul's cheek, he continued « did you drink anything ? »

« Yes, but why- »

« Was he there ? » Max cut him immediately.

« Yes, bu-»

« Do you remember what happened after that ? »

Tul was incredibly confused as to what this had to do with him sleeping with Ram, but he thought intently at Max's question. He had to answer him, he owed him that much, he finally sighed « no I don't . »

Max's blood was boiling inside, he already had an hunch of what could have happened that night but now he was sure, Ram did something to his lover. He knew his lover could not have cheat on him on his right mind, not when they both waited, and suffered that much to be finally together. With Max's face visibly flushing with anger, the older man squirmed in his embrace as he could not bear to see him like this because of him. Sensing the change in his lover behavior, Max looked down and saw the look of discomfort and sadness on his face. Knowing he misunderstood him, his lips ghosting tenderly over Tul's forehead, « I'm not angry at you, » he reassured him « It's this asshole I'm angry at. He played with you. »  

He waited for Tul to say something but when he did not, he began to speak again, « Don't you understand ? You can't remember anything after that drink ... Don't you see what it is ? »

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