Chapter 3 - Part 1

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Tul was sleeping soundly, his left arm pillowing his head and his right hand resting on his stomach. Seeing this, Max smiled softly while caressing gently his best friend's cheek, he always thought that the other man had a weird sleeping habit.

'Even when you are sleeping, you still manage to take my breath away. Why can not you see my feelings for you ? I would do everything for you only if you would let me ', he thought sighing, maybe it was his fault.

After all, he was the one who asked Tul to have sex with him 3 years ago.

« No strings attached », he had said, what an idiot.

In his defense, he was afraid. Not of wanting to have sex with a man, no, he had always been curious, he just never found the right one, until he met Tul that is.

He was afraid of he aftermath. He did not want Tul to get into ideas with him.

'And now i am the one wanting to have more with him ... I'm really an idiot ' he thought sadly.

He was just separating from his long term girlfriend, and as he would learn later Tul had just broken up with his boyfriend at that time.

At the moment, it sounded like a good idea, he wanted to try something new, Tul was sexy, carefree and seemed to be interested in him (if the amount of flirting from his part could be of any indication), besides he thought that by having sex with him, he would be able to stop thinking about the other man every minutes of each day.

'How stupid i was to think that one night would be enough for me. I should have known better .'

That idea came to his mind, a night that they were in his flat, drinking the night and their sadness away. He was drunk, lonely and horny, the best combination to make bad decision.

They were sitting on the floor, their heads lying on the couch, almost touching.

«Tullie, you knoooow, I have always thought you were sexy ... »

« Reallyyyyyy ? Whyyyyy ? What do you find sexy in me, Nattapol ? » Tul said while his finger caressed Max chest through his black shirt.

« Your eyes, it's like you can actually make me cum just by looking at me. And don't call me by my name... it's doing strange things to me. »

Max was too wasted and horny to care about the fact that he was shamelessly discussing about how much he was attracted to his friend, Tul had been flirting with him all these years anyway.

He was always there touching him, cuddling him, kissing his cheeks, calling him « bae, babe, my other half » and all the nicknames he could came up with, and above all other things, watching him with those bedroom eyes of his. Like he was doing at this moment.

Staring into each others eyes, Max slowly moved his head closer. Tul's breath ghosting over his lips, he traced the line of his cheekbone gently with his finger . Tul made a soft whining noise in the back of his throat, and that was the signal Max was waiting for. He leaned in to kiss him, reaching for his waist and pulling him to sit on his lap. Tul leaned into the kiss instantly, hand sliding into Max's hair.

'Anna was right ... It was bound to happen someday', he thought deepening the kiss.

His friend's attitude was the reason why he broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago.

It took one too many « babe, come over. I'm bored » text message from Tul for his girlfriend to finally lose it.

He was tying his shoes when she came up to him, and asked him where he was going.

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