Chapitre 3 - Part 2

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The bar was full, people were drinking, dancing and other just chatting in some booth.

Tul made his way to a stool, and order a coke to the bartender. He did not feel like drinking alcool tonight. He wanted to think, and drinking was not the best thing to do in this situation.

'How could everything degenerate so quickly ?'

He still remember clearly that fateful night from 3 years ago. One moment, he was drinking and happily talking with his best friend and the next, Max was between his legs, sucking on his manhood while all he could do was moaning helplessly.

'I should not have let it go this far ... but how could I have stopped him, I've been wanting him for so long ...'

It was not love at first sight, but, as far as Tul can remember, it was close enough. It was the only way he could describe how he felt when he first saw Max. He has immediately been attracted to him. So when, they were paired up together as partner, he could not be happier.

They were both the same age, Tul being a few months older. Getting to know each other, they found out they had a lot in common, they naturally grew closer.

With each passing days, he realized Max was everything he was looking for in a boyfriend. He was funny, kind, caring, selfless, smart, reliable, handsome and the fact that he had the body of a greek god was a big bonus. 

He thought Max was also attracted to him. He had noticed the way the brunette was always glancing at him when he thought he was not paying attention, and the affectionate touch was just too intimate to be just friendly.

That is why a few weeks after the beginning of their training, he decided to make a move, as Max, he thought, was too shy to do it himself. They were in the police academy locker room, Max was removing his uniform, while Tul had already removed his own, and was wearing a towel around his hips to cover himself. Tul took a deep breath to encourage himself, and invited him to have dinner with him in a nice Thai restaurant a few blocks away. 

However the answer of the other man washed away his hope of having finally found the right man for him.

« I'm sorry Tul, but I promised my girlfriend today that we would go on a date. With all the training and missions we have been doing, we didn't really see each other and she is a bit upset.» Max said while looking apologetically at him.

He walked up to Tul, only wearing his brief and his unbuttoned shirt. Max put his hand on his right shoulder, and slowly his hand went down from his biceps down to his hands, which he gave a little squeeze. 

« I will make it up to you as soon as I can. I promise, ok ? » and Max smiled.

« Yo-you have a girlfriend ? » Tul stuttered, shocked by the revelation. He scratched his right arm, he felt like his skin was burning where Max touched him. He hoped he did not noticed his discomfort.

« Yeah, i have been with her for a year now, she is called Anna »

« That's ... That's a nice name ... if you don't mind i'm going to take my shower now » Tul said with a forced smile. He took a few step back, grabbed his toiletries and locked himself in shower stall. He turned the water on, and felt his eyes watering. He thought that he had a chance with Max, he really liked him.

Now that he thought of it, he should have known that Max had someone. A man like him could not have been single.

He really tried to stop his feelings from growing. He even started to date someone in a foolish attempt to forget Max. Instead, he watched himself fall deeper each day a little bit more for him. They were just spending too much time together, from working, to having lunch together, training and hanging out at each other places. They were acting like old friends (or more like an old married couple, as their friends at the academy say), when in fact they have only known each other for a couple of months.

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