Chapter Three

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"Evening sir" sam said rounding the front of the car and stopping next to me, "mmm hi" I answered as I slid in the car and sam climbed in the drivers seat. The silence in the car was deafening as sam finally broke the silence as he slipped into the evening traffic flow. "If you dont mind sir are you feeling well? You look very tired" he said looking in the mirror. "Im fine thank you I havent really been sleeping well, seeing my mother isnt exactly what I need right now" I answered.

"Well she does care for you sir, I also heard about your student is he ok?" he questioned, "I dont know sam really I dont" I replied looking at my watch. My mother lived on the other side of town and it takes an hour to get there, "are we going to my mothers?" I questioned as sam nodded and focused his attention back to the road. I lent back in the seat and stared out of the window sleepily as the town passed in a blur, I figured I must have fallen asleep but I was awoken by another nightmare.

"Are you ok sir?" sam asked looking over the seat while we stopped at traffic lights, "im fine" I said breathlessly as I took a drink of water and wiped my head with my sleeve. "Ok well we are half an hour from  your parents now sir I can wake you when we arrive if you want to sleep some more" he told me as the lights turned green. As tired as I was I darent risk succumbing to the need to close my eyes through fear of having another nightmare as I sat up and checked through my phone.

Before I knew it we were pulling into the gravel drive of my parents house, the car pulled to a stop and sam climbed out to open the door. "There you go sir" he said as I reluctantly slid out of the car as my shoes crunched on the gravel, "thanks sam" I said swallowing as I walked up towards the house. I heard my mother before I saw her, her shrill voice causing me to wince slightly as it rung through my ears and drawing attention to my headache.

"Adam you came" she said hugging me as her strong perfume turned my stomach a little, "well I didnt have much choice did I" I said restlessly. "Come inside your dad is waiting for you and then we can have our little chat" she said pulling me inside as I slowly followed her. My dad was sitting in the dining room working as he looked up to the sound of my heels, "ah adam its nice to see you. Are you feeling ok you look a little pale" he said standing up and making his way towards me. "Please dont fuss im fine ok I just have a slight headache " I explained sitting at the table.

My parents sat next to me as their maid handed my a glass of water, "so whats is this about" I asked placing the glass on the table. "Its about that boy tommy was it?" my mother started, "yes I know you think you love him but its not right adam hes so much younger than you and its just wrong" my dad told me. "I dont think I love him I know I do, but it doesnt matter anymore ok because Im not going to see him again" I replied. "Thats good but whats going on with you? You look so tired and pale and youve lost weight as your parents we have a right to be worried about you. Sam said you fell asleep on the way here but woke up with a start like you had a bad dream or something" my mother said.

"I am tired mother, im not sleeping properly. I feel so crappy right now its like I cant concentrate I just feel so run down at the moment but its nothing for you to worry about ok" I answered quietly. "Adam youre still our son if your sick you need to see a doctor maybe you should stay here for a few days" my dad suggested. "No I dont think thats a good idea" I replied as the maid brought out loads of food and placed it on the table, was there really any need for this volume of food?

"Eat up then adam you've only eaten a little bit" my mother told me as I looked up from the peas I was pushing around my plate. "Theres a lot of food and to be fair im not really that hungry" I said pushing my plate away, "adam seriously you need to eat youre practically wasting away" my dad said. "No dad im not look dinner was nice and all but I really need to get going I have work to do" I replied pushing my chair back and standing up.

"Adam dont go" my mother said as I walked towards the front door, "yes mom I do" I replied as sam appeared from the room next to me. "Sir?" he questioned, "please take me home sam" I answered as he nodded and headed outside to the car. "Adam dont do this its late" my dad said, "Yes and it will be later when I get home" I said following sam out. "Adam you cant run from your problems! That boy is no good for you and you know it hes making you ill" my mother shouted as I climbed in the car and pulled the door shut.

"Seatbelt sir" sam commented starting the car, as I clicked my belt on and leant back in the chair as we pulled out of the gates and onto the road. My phone rang as I pulled it from my pocket, "hey ash whats up?" I asked. "Adam where are you? Tommy is getting better, the hospital said that hes stable but still in a coma so they can watch him. The swelling on his brain has gone down a little" she explained. "Im just leaving my parents house, thats good to know but I dont know why youre telling me this im not going to see him again" I told her.

"But adam I thought you like loved the guy?" she commented, "I do thats why I have to let him go its so much easier" I sighed. "Youre an idiot adam you know that right?" she questioned, "yeah yeah tell me something I dont know anyway i'll be home soon ok dont wait up" I replied putting the phone down.  

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now