Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey what are you doing out here?" Ashley said leaning on the doorframe, "getting some air and thinking its cold out here go inside i'll be inside in a bit" I said absent mindedly. "Whats on your mind its not that cold you know" she said leaning on the wall next to me, "something my mother said she told me that if tommy makes me happy I shouldnt let him go. But I already have ashley, he cant deal with that. Nothing is worth this amount of trouble, I just cant seem to get my head straight no matter how much I try. Its like everything is all jumbled up" I said.

"Look adam you can tell yourself as much as you want that you dont need him, but the truth is both or you need each other more than you let on" she answered shivering a little. "Here" I said sliding off my jacket and draping it over her shoulders. She smiled "look the way I see it is the only trouble is his parents mainly his mother, you and tommy need to sort it out and realise that you are made for each other running away or burying it isnt going to make your head any clearer" she explained.

"Maybe" I replied, "think about it ok  now are you coming inside or not?" she asked. "In a bit go on go inside my mom will be looking for you" I replied, "dont be long ok" she said putting my coat back over my shoulders and kissing my cheek before heading back inside. My phone rang as I pulled it out and looked at it, hm unknown number oh well they can leave a message if its important. My phone bleeped a few minutes later telling me I had a voicemail, I dialled the number and listened.

It was some weird person with a husky voice and lots of noise in the background like it was rung from the side of the road. "You need to stay away from Tommy, I know who you are, where you work and where you live. If I see you with him at any point I will not be responsible for my actions. I'll be watching and youve been warned" the voice said as I dropped the phone to the floor with a clatter.

I put my head on my hands and sighed, well this just got a whole lot more complicated. Now I had some crazy nutter after me because of tommy again, im done with this I cant be looking over my shoulder forever. I picked up my phone and stuck it in my pocket before heading inside and shutting the door and locking it. I headed for the drinks table as my mother caught my arm, "adam there you are I wondered where you got to" she said.

"I was hot so I went to get some air" I said, "well can you go to the cellar and get some more wine?" she asked. "Fine" I said heading out the back yard and fiddling witht the lock to open the door. I picked up the crates and placed them on the floor while I locked the door, heading back to the party as I heard bushes rustling and twigs snapping. It suddenly got windier as I pulled my jacket up and headed inside, I heard a rusling in the bush behind me as I turned round.

I saw a light, from a torch or something as I blinked and it vanished. As I reached the steps I heard footsteps behind me as though someone had ran past me, "leave me alone I havent done anything" I whispered almost tripping up the steps. I switched on the outside light but there was nothing there, your mind is playing tricks on you I though to myself as I opened the door and headed inside.

I looked outside again as the garden fell eerily quiet, im not going to lie it freaked me out a little. But its only my mind wandering, theres noone in our garden the security would have spotted them and sorted it all out. I walked into the packed room and placed the wine on the table before shrugging off my coat and unloading the boxes. Pouring myself a drink I sat on the sofa and watched everyone chatting, it was super full in here my mother really had gone all out.

A while later my phone went off as I saw a text from the unknown number, "nice place your mother has here some little birdy sent me some pictures. Just remember I have eyes everywhere." What the heck so there was someone in my garden, I need to tell security about this. I headed to the security office and found marcel watching the screens, "adam fancy seeing you here" he said looking away and towards me.

"Hey look dont tell my mother but theres someone watching the house, they were in the garden not even 20 minutes ago can you search the garden and the rooms for me please I dont want them to get near my mom" I said. "Yes sir of course" he replied calling security on the radio, "Thank you" I said heading back into the party.

These people could be anywhere now inside or outside, I wont let them hurt my parents no way. A little later marcel appeared int he doorway, "all clear sir whooever it was if anyone is long gone" he said when I reached him. "Awesome thank you" I said as he nodded and headed back to the office as another message appeared. "Oh snap missed us this time oh well better luck next time loverboy."

"Hey babe thanks for the wine, you look awfully pale are you ok?" my mother asked. "Im fine Im feeling a little ill I think im going to go to bed" I said. "Ok honey" she replied as I headed to my room and locked the doors, I climbed out of my clothes and crawled into bed turning my phone off.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now